Its only slander if it isn't true. And complaining about MY mouth? pot, kettle, black.
And to lobotomize this muppet, she would have to have something there in the first place, not just a spinal cord connected to an amygdala and seemingly little else.
Sorry, but having PTSD and being autistic doesn't give you a license to be a complete wanker to pretty much everybody. And just when, meadow, did ducky ever say she was like your sister?
I have friends with PTSD, who are autistic, like my friend kassiane, she doesn't go around with her head up her own arse, treating everybody like dirt, and *I* have PTSD also, and I do not swan around being an arrogant little bitch, and generally being a hypocrite and liar.
''officer..the internet was mean to me! put the internet in prison, because I'm a special ikkle butthurt snowflake''