
Author Topic: Questions for Duckie  (Read 7626 times)

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Offline BruceCM

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #75 on: April 04, 2012, 02:06:14 AM »
Of course I'm working for HL, that makes so much sense! lulz

You need to say what your problem is then because you're a big part of the banter against me. What is your problem exactly and I don't want a lot of nonsense. You've been playing a lot of games. What is your problem with me that you say things like, I SHOULD be in a mental institution? That's a pretty serious charge. Do you want to slander me too by explaining that?
OK, you're delusional, multiple personality, paranoid, insane/ mad/ crazy girl, that do? lulz
Oh no, the evil webmaster changed my sig again!

Offline Meadow

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #76 on: April 04, 2012, 02:08:23 AM »
Of course I'm working for HL, that makes so much sense! lulz

You need to say what your problem is then because you're a big part of the banter against me. What is your problem exactly and I don't want a lot of nonsense. You've been playing a lot of games. What is your problem with me that you say things like, I SHOULD be in a mental institution? That's a pretty serious charge. Do you want to slander me too by explaining that?
OK, you're delusional, multiple personality, paranoid, insane/ mad/ crazy girl, that do? lulz

No it doesn't do and if you keep it up I'm going to charge you. Trust me, I will do it.

Offline BruceCM

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #77 on: April 04, 2012, 02:12:18 AM »
You do that, Meadow! Since I've got this HUGE conspiracy against you, lulz
Oh no, the evil webmaster changed my sig again!

Offline Meadow

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #78 on: April 04, 2012, 02:18:02 AM »
Of course I'm working for HL, that makes so much sense! lulz

You need to say what your problem is then because you're a big part of the banter against me. What is your problem exactly and I don't want a lot of nonsense. You've been playing a lot of games. What is your problem with me that you say things like, I SHOULD be in a mental institution? That's a pretty serious charge. Do you want to slander me too by explaining that?
OK, you're delusional, multiple personality, paranoid, insane/ mad/ crazy girl, that do? lulz

This is not a conspiracy, it's plain English and if you say these things about me again there's going to be trouble.

Offline Lestat

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #79 on: April 04, 2012, 02:23:14 AM »
Its only slander if it isn't true. And complaining about MY mouth? pot, kettle, black.

And to lobotomize this muppet, she would have to have something there in the first place, not just a spinal cord connected to an amygdala and seemingly little else.

Sorry, but having PTSD and being autistic doesn't give you a license to be a complete wanker to pretty much everybody. And just when, meadow, did ducky ever say she was like your sister?

I have friends with PTSD, who are autistic, like my friend kassiane, she doesn't go around with her head up her own arse, treating everybody like dirt, and *I* have PTSD also, and I do not swan around being an arrogant little bitch, and generally being a hypocrite and liar.

''officer..the internet was mean to me! put the internet in prison, because I'm a special ikkle butthurt snowflake''
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Meadow

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #80 on: April 04, 2012, 02:28:50 AM »
Its only slander if it isn't true. And complaining about MY mouth? pot, kettle, black.

And to lobotomize this muppet, she would have to have something there in the first place, not just a spinal cord connected to an amygdala and seemingly little else.

Sorry, but having PTSD and being autistic doesn't give you a license to be a complete wanker to pretty much everybody. And just when, meadow, did ducky ever say she was like your sister?

I have friends with PTSD, who are autistic, like my friend kassiane, she doesn't go around with her head up her own arse, treating everybody like dirt, and *I* have PTSD also, and I do not swan around being an arrogant little bitch, and generally being a hypocrite and liar.

''officer..the internet was mean to me! put the internet in prison, because I'm a special ikkle butthurt snowflake''

That's not true at all. I don't have to take being called things like that. It's like someone says they have PTSD and someone else wants to broadcast said person is mentally insane. I've had enough of this shit, I'm telling you all now. When someone slams me I slam them back. I have mostly just ignored Bruce but I've taken all I'm going to. If anyone is insane it's all of you who are calling me that, clearly.


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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #81 on: April 04, 2012, 03:02:15 AM »
Of course I'm working for HL, that makes so much sense! lulz

You need to say what your problem is then because you're a big part of the banter against me. What is your problem exactly and I don't want a lot of nonsense. You've been playing a lot of games. What is your problem with me that you say things like, I SHOULD be in a mental institution? That's a pretty serious charge. Do you want to slander me too by explaining that?
OK, you're delusional, multiple personality, paranoid, insane/ mad/ crazy girl, that do? lulz

This is not a conspiracy, it's plain English and if you say these things about me again there's going to be trouble.

Do it. Report everyone, even though I know you can't.

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #82 on: April 04, 2012, 03:03:02 AM »
Meadow I never said you were in a mental institution. I was referring to my own experience. I have been in and out since age 13. The children I was in there with were abused. I recognized them in you. I hope you don't read this wrong.

That's how I read your post as well, not the way Meadow read it.

Offline Lestat

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #83 on: April 04, 2012, 03:10:56 AM »
I don't think you insane because you have PTSD meadow. I think you insane because you are, in general, fucking batshit. The sheer number of people saying so ought to be a clue as to who might have the warped perspective. You are full of shit, everyone knows it and by now everybody is fed up to the bloody eyeteeth of your bitching and special snowflake antics.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Meadow

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #84 on: April 04, 2012, 03:36:19 AM »
Meadow I never said you were in a mental institution. I was referring to my own experience. I have been in and out since age 13. The children I was in there with were abused. I recognized them in you. I hope you don't read this wrong.

That's how I read your post as well, not the way Meadow read it.

Of course Callaway, that's how you read it. DFG is slandering me with everything above the last comment which didnt include "I" in her sentence. She was talking about me the whole time and then suddenly made a statement like that leaving out the I to indicate it was herself she was talking about.

When I was 14 I was taken to a state mental hospital in handcuffs behind my back and placed on an adult ward with very big scary looking women and made to stay there for three days as punishment for scratching my wrist which I only did as a way to let someone know I needed help because I couldn't talk about what had happened to me when I was at a children's shelter for abused kids.

I have talked about this elsewhere and don't want my information misconstrued like that. With all the disparaging shit written above about me that she had no right saying to begin with, it was unclear she was talking about herself when she didn't include "I" in her sentence. She has no right to say those things about me, never mind the hospital issue. I'm terrified of the place after that and don't appreciate being talked about all over your board either. DFG is pulling a lot of stunts here but you're pulling a blind eye and you are on the moderation team are you not? It looks like the problems are only going to continue thanks to you and I just need to take this elsewhere. I'm not going to take this anymore and I'm not going to be made a victim here either. I'm about to sue your forum if this keeps up because I've taken all I'm going to from you and others.


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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #85 on: April 04, 2012, 03:40:11 AM »
Meadow: My uncle has severe PTSD from recent beatings and sexual abuse he had as a kid. He's also diagnosed with HIV, so he knows he does not have a long time to live. He's an artist too, who went to work in the BBC after graduating in college, and then later on worked as an art teacher for disadvantaged/troubled students.

He unlike you Meadow, does not prance around and act like a cunt to people because that he had a shitty life. He does not think he's better than anyone or that he's a "special snowflake" despite his love for plastic surgery and looking "fabulous". He does not go batshit insane because people disagree with him or insult him. He carries on, finds new friends and enjoys life to the fullest. As I pointed out earlier too, he ALSO contributed to society. He is a man I deeply respect and that I would consider a father more than my own dad, despite his faults, who influenced me to make music and art myself.

Now I must ask you: What have you done, Meadow? You bitched and moaned, you don't apply your art skills in any meaningful manner. You go insane and attack because people either have a different opinion to you, say something you don't like or insult you. You've even attacked people for being honest or downright nice to you. You have a self-important narcissistic portrayal of yourself, were you consider yourself superior to everyone else despite making yourself look like a moron.

You contributed nothing to society and never will if you continue being the person you are. You are a waste, a husk of skin and flesh that uses her past as an excuse for being fucked up. You know who I'll be visiting? My uncle, not you.

Offline Meadow

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #86 on: April 04, 2012, 03:41:34 AM »
I don't think you insane because you have PTSD meadow. I think you insane because you are, in general, fucking batshit. The sheer number of people saying so ought to be a clue as to who might have the warped perspective. You are full of shit, everyone knows it and by now everybody is fed up to the bloody eyeteeth of your bitching and special snowflake antics.

You know better than that. You're part of the DFG clan of manipulators, undoubtedly. It's just time to call the police for starters.

Offline Meadow

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #87 on: April 04, 2012, 03:52:30 AM »
Meadow: My uncle has severe PTSD from recent beatings and sexual abuse he had as a kid. He's also diagnosed with HIV, so he knows he does not have a long time to live. He's an artist too, who went to work in the BBC after graduating in college, and then later on worked as an art teacher for disadvantaged/troubled students.

He unlike you Meadow, does not prance around and act like a cunt to people because that he had a shitty life. He does not think he's better than anyone or that he's a "special snowflake" despite his love for plastic surgery and looking "fabulous". He does not go batshit insane because people disagree with him or insult him. He carries on, finds new friends and enjoys life to the fullest. As I pointed out earlier too, he ALSO contributed to society. He is a man I deeply respect and that I would consider a father more than my own dad, despite his faults, who influenced me to make music and art myself.

Now I must ask you: What have you done, Meadow? You bitched and moaned, you don't apply your art skills in any meaningful manner. You go insane and attack because people either have a different opinion to you, say something you don't like or insult you. You've even attacked people for being honest or downright nice to you. You have a self-important narcissistic portrayal of yourself, were you consider yourself superior to everyone else despite making yourself look like a moron.

You contributed nothing to society and never will if you continue being the person you are. You are a waste, a husk of skin and flesh that uses her past as an excuse for being fucked up. You know who I'll be visiting? My uncle, not you.

You don't know what you're talking about and you have no place judging me with all your nonsense and nasty accusations. I don't have to take anymore of this abuse from you or anyone else. Im just a regular person. I have my boundaries and that was the point of contention with DFG from the word go and I was very nice about it at that time too. Harassing me because she has personal problems isn't acceptable and because you don't like me jump on her bandwagon like a few others. You have some very sick people on board and you're one of them.


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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #88 on: April 04, 2012, 03:54:03 AM »
Of course, you'll never accept the truth until the shit hits the fan. That day will come though, sooner or later.

Offline Meadow

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #89 on: April 04, 2012, 04:02:44 AM »
I'm having a good life and have been for a long time now. I think you're thinking of yourself.