
Author Topic: Weird, weird, weird, weird sensations.  (Read 444 times)

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Re: Weird, weird, weird, weird sensations.
« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2018, 09:19:01 AM »
licorice jellybeans are my favourite too, along with banana and bubblegum ones. I doubt it'd be an issue with the likes of jellybeans and other candies that are just flavoured, but the licorice based ones actually should be eaten in relative moderation, and I should think a liquorice sausage would  be as unhealthy as it sounds repellent. Compounds in liquorice when taken in excess, screw with corticosteroid production (lowering).

A liquorice and coagulated blood sausage though? jesus christ I thought I'd heard of some fucked up food before, but thats  getting fairly close to the likes of that fermented rotting shark thing and some of the more noxious oriental dishes. Black pudding is revolting enough without being blended with liquorice and candied.

I do love the liquorice jellybeans though, and can't get enough of them. Not sure if they do them in the US but here we have a  brand called 'jelly belly' which have to be the best jellybeans ever, huge range of flavours, as  opposed to some cheap ones that barely even have more than one flavour at all.

As for the program on autism, it was copresented by two autistic girls, one a brunette, the other a redhead. The brunette didn't seem so 'obviously' autistic, whereas the redhead barely made eye contact (or camera-contact as the case may be), always doing that autie thing where vision is aimed up and to one side, rather than straight ahead or making eye contact (something I've always found rather cute, for some inexplicable reason)m and also, as not to frighten or freak out the NTs on the more drastic, sheeple end of the NT spectrum, the two spesh  girls had an NT copresenter, who also, not being autistic, was in the right sort of condition to know the most pertinent sorts of questions to ask about what autism is, what its like to be one of us, and talking to a group of aspie/auties who were out for a few drinks etc. and  to give an interview, and their talking about, to borrow IIRC PMSelle's term, what its like ex post facto when one has used up all their social spoons for the time being and once they got home, having to regenerate by retiring and cutting out all sensory input (although I myself am a bit different in that respect, and wouldn't really find that the ideal or even helpful way to recharge my social batteries, for me, its more about a lot of sensory stimulation, just of the right kind, to flush the buffers and empty the cache, ideally in the form of deafeningly loud, heavy industrial and metal music whilst avoiding further use of said social spoons. I find there is something akin to sleep debt when overdoing it. In that temporarily, if I have to, I can get something social done, but it must be paid for later, meaning a lot of heavy music (its calming to me, whilst what would be calming for lot of NTs or some aspies/auties, really isn't, to me, indeed things like pop music or classical actually make it worse for me and make me more prone to overloading and for the overload to  be much worse if it does happen), putting my feet up and sticking on whatever videogame I've been enjoying the most of late, or just  some oldschool mindless violent FPS like doom, or something similar but with some humor, like duke nukem 3d, shadow warrior and the like, where you don't really need to use your higher mental processing powers, just have quick reactions and basic strategy along the likes of setting mines, throwing grenades/bouncing launched grenades off walls before turning a corner, just to make sure that anything living round there waiting for the chance to rip your head off and use it for a football has it done to them instead before they have the opportunity to do it to you instead.

Although atm, its been somewhere in the middle, requiring a fair bit of thinking, in the guise of fallout-tactics. A fair bit different to other games in the FO series but all the same, I'm a big fan of the series as a whole, at least the ones I've downloaded so far. (thinking either new vegas, or fallout IV is next on my list.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.