So if Meadow was attacking him on purpose, do you suppose she was attacking Callaway and myself by accident? why does that warrant a different approach?
I'm not even sure how it started with you or Callaway. Last I remember before the shitstorm was Meadow laughing at a post Callaway made and they seemed to have no problem with each other. With you I thought you got impatient after seeing how she insulted other people.
But once this callout got going, you, Callaway, and Odeon made the first substantial attacks. Meadow responded quite a bit to Odeon but only a couple lines to you or Callaway. Bruce and Farnsworth joined in, and she answered both of them. When I first jumped in, I was talking directly to Meadow, to back her up. But both you and Callaway answered to me. That's why I focused on you two.
I held back from posting in Meadow's call-out at first because I did feel kind of sorry for Meadow's sad personal story, but you posted in the Peanut Gallery thread I started that would make me a
"smarmy, self-righteous idiot," and you went further to say that, "Pity is demeaning and only makes people into more of a victim." This is consistent with what I know about you.
So I posted the
Butthurt Report Form. Compared to what I could have posted instead, that was a pretty mild response to what Meadow posted in the Peanut Gallery,
"Hi Bitch Callaway...what a surprise!
" in addition to her starting a callout calling all of Intensity out and saying we all would be too "wus" to respond to her:
I want to fight anyone who wants to fight me. I'm getting ripshit over the thought of being called a liar Right now and I'm ready to fight anyone. It could get bloody. I get in too much trouble for not being a liar and also loathe a motherfucking liar. I've also shared something too personal on this board and any suggestion that I am a liar, well, no fucking mystery there. Bring it or be a coward. And I don't mean Brucie! I know the rest of you are too wus to take me.
In the past, you have vehemently objected to any attempt to make Intensity more welcoming for "sensitive" people, such as the "don't prank me list" back when some of the admins were pranking members by changing their profiles against their will and we lost members over it. I remember you saying that if they couldn't take it, they shouldn't be here in the first place and you hoped the "sensitive" people would be driven off before you were.
Now after pushing my response to this callout in the first place, you want me to not respond to Meadow's flames out of pity for her because she's less (intelligent or mentally competent or something) than I am and she's "sensitive." This is inconsistent with what I know about you and I wonder why you can't make up your mind.
Bodaccea didn't make more than a one line post in Meadow's callout until yesterday, so I don't see why you think she made "one of the first substantial attacks." Nor do I see why a Butthurt Report Form is a "substantial attack."