if someone weaker picks on you or someone else first, then they have to take you as they find you, IMO. I realize that I probably am much more intelligent than she is, but I can hardly tie half my brain behind my back to bring myself down to her level.
No? Why not? Is your pride in your brain more important to you than the welfare of an abused woman?
I think you must have entirely missed my point about different types of intelligence. You can go on about how Intensity is not the place for people's welfare, but after a point it stops being about the site rules and starts being about one human being and another. I can't say I'm impressed by the human being I see.
if she insults most of the members of the site, I don't think that it's fair to ask them to hold back from flaming her because she's less intelligent (or less whatever) than they are. I believe that if she thinks that she should be protected from flames while flaming others herself, Intensity just doesn't work that way.
This sounds like a long way of saying "she started it! I'm just defending myself!" Which if you do any research on conflict dynamics (or if you have just about any experience

) you'll know that both sides say it. Is your idea that you yourself should take no responsibility for de-escalation?
I'll take that into account in the future.
Also, I can ask other people not to flame her if I want. I know damn well most of them won't listen to me.
Nobody would suggest to her that she wear heavy gloves while she painted or drew to level the playing field.
Not sure how much you know about the art world, but beyond the level of high school contests it starts to become far less about raw talent or skill, and far more about trends and personal connections. Society does indeed suggest that some people wear heavy gloves, and it does it indirectly via exclusion from the group.
I see from the posts that have piled up that you are trying to portray this as just Bodaccea and me against Meadow, but I think that's inaccurate. I think that it's Meadow against most of the active members of Intensity since there aren't too many active members that she hasn't insulted.
Er, just because I addressed you and Bodie doesn't mean I'm not aware of all the others. What's the matter, do you feel unfairly singled out?