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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #90 on: April 01, 2012, 12:58:51 PM »
OK. Deep breaths, everybody. Yes, you can stop the 'ho's, Meadow. Never mind who did or didn't start it, OK?
Oh no, the evil webmaster changed my sig again!

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #91 on: April 01, 2012, 01:07:00 PM »
I can do that Pyraxia, it's very cool that someone even gets it. And a welcome relief to read all you wrote. I'm a little overwhelmed actually to find it. Thanks

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #92 on: April 01, 2012, 01:08:13 PM »

FWIW, I'm starting to wonder if Callaway and Bodie just need time. This thread is moving pretty fast.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #93 on: April 01, 2012, 01:11:25 PM »
Great. Please, Bodie & Callaway, could you both be big girls & drop the 'bitch fight', too, please? Then, maybe, we could discuss this rather more reasonably, please?  8)
Oh no, the evil webmaster changed my sig again!

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #94 on: April 01, 2012, 01:13:00 PM »
I am always civil to whoever speaks me in a civil manner.   Meadow is not civil to me,  therefore i find it hard to be nice to her.

I am just putting my kid to bed but i acknowledge your post and will respond a bit later. 

blah blah blah

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #95 on: April 01, 2012, 01:20:11 PM »
Yeah and I'm late for the gym, so I'll check back afterwards.


You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #96 on: April 01, 2012, 01:36:50 PM »
@ Callaway:

Is she calling you a Ho because you have a husband? I've seen her call you a Ho any number of times, but I haven't seen her say anything about your husband. I think you're still making assumptions.

In fact there's a post somewhere, which I'll track down if I absolutely bloody have to, where she says something like she's calling you and Bodie Ho's because she sees that it pisses you off. Nothing there about husbands either.

As for the rest of it, hm. My first thought was good point.

It gets into territory of accepting one's weaknesses, though. It doesn't do much good to force false acceptance on people, but when someone's weaknesses are too well protected, then they become too resistant to change, in a bad way. Like having your weak points prodded a bit can be a healthy thing both for you and the people around you, in that it gets you to examine and heal them instead of just plastering over them.

I do what I can to figure out when people have been pushed too far, but sometimes I'm wrong.

Am I wrong about you?

She also said something like I'm a dumb fuck Ho who couldn't exist without a man, so I would think that was bringing my husband into it, yes.  If she lives in a beautiful little house that someone else pays for on her behalf, then that's highly relevant.  If she's saying it to upset me and Bodaccea, then people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.  If she thinks that we are butthurt over her saying it, then I think she's posting in the mirror.

I sort of agree about your point about not picking on weaker people, at least not if they haven't done anything to you first, but at the same time if someone weaker picks on you or someone else first, then they have to take you as they find you, IMO.  I realize that I probably am much more intelligent than she is, but I can hardly tie half my brain behind my back to bring myself down to her level.  Nor can the other members of the site, most of whom are smarter than she is. 

I can see that you like her and want her to stay for your own reasons.  However, if she insults most of the members of the site, I don't think that it's fair to ask them to hold back from flaming her because she's less intelligent (or less whatever) than they are.  I believe that if she thinks that she should be protected from flames while flaming others herself, Intensity just doesn't work that way.  Her problem is, most other sites she might try to join instead would probably just quickly ban her as soon as she acted like this.

People each have their own strengths and weaknesses.  I'm sure that she's a better artist than I am since I can barely draw a straight line.  Nobody would suggest to her that she wear heavy gloves while she painted or drew to level the playing field.

I see from the posts that have piled up that you are trying to portray this as just Bodaccea and me against Meadow, but I think that's inaccurate.  I think that it's Meadow against most of the active members of Intensity since there aren't too many active members that she hasn't insulted.

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #97 on: April 01, 2012, 01:41:06 PM »
I think what you said was not a "little rant" at all; it was a well-thought out post addressing what Meadow has been saying about you and about us in general.

Bodie's little not-entirely-correct-but-nonetheless-well-articulated rant?  :zoinks:

No.  Her well-thought out and accurate post that was not a rant.

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #98 on: April 01, 2012, 02:06:03 PM »
You distort everything and I just won't tolerate being called a liar. When people attack me, I attack in return. As far as my personal boundaries, I'm not the warm and fuzzy type as a general rule but I have my reasons and if you can't respect that it's your problem. Over time you might have better understood me. I'm complicated and have every right to be. Some people get me. You don't. That's your problem and nothing will likely change that. Don't fucking call me a liar and expect anything good to come of it.

So prove I'm wrong. If you start a callout, the customary thing is to at least try to back up your claims.

Or, if others want to read for themselves, they can simply look up your intro thread (hint: check her profile, navigate to the link to her posts and start from the last page) and read a few pages.
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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #99 on: April 01, 2012, 02:16:17 PM »
You distort everything and I just won't tolerate being called a liar. When people attack me, I attack in return. As far as my personal boundaries, I'm not the warm and fuzzy type as a general rule but I have my reasons and if you can't respect that it's your problem. Over time you might have better understood me. I'm complicated and have every right to be. Some people get me. You don't. That's your problem and nothing will likely change that. Don't fucking call me a liar and expect anything good to come of it.

So prove I'm wrong. If you start a callout, the customary thing is to at least try to back up your claims.

Or, if others want to read for themselves, they can simply look up your intro thread (hint: check her profile, navigate to the link to her posts and start from the last page) and read a few pages.

That's what I did and I also bumped a few old threads of hers.

Here are her first and thrird posts here:

I joined your site. I'm aspiartist, Meadow and Isabel. I'm a delicate flower, pure as the driven snow. Can I say who I can't stand? I don't have hate in my heart though. I'm not like these other hate mongers who have nothing better to do than to hate on innocent, pure, suffering souls. I'm a blooming flower of love and peace, a flower child, a hippie girl who doesn't smoke grass anymore, a lover of animals, and beauty, and pure, precious, delightfully happy and joyful things of the natural world. I'm better than you and you're just jealous. For real!!

Ok, I can't stand DFG, LG, Fnord, Skyblue. Bring it to me. I here. I guess you're a bunch o' losers, for real cowards. I'm just a delicate flower. Come on, pluck my petals.

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #100 on: April 01, 2012, 02:16:52 PM »
Don't you think this has gone on long enough? It is really quite pointless to be repeating the same stuff over and over. I really think you can get along with people here if you made an effort. You'll probably get mad at me for being truthful, but you did initiate the nastiness with the majority of the people here. I don't want to fight you. I think you are a really nice person when you aren't flinging insults. I would like to see more of that person.  :hug:

It is far better for people to hate you for doing the right thing than for people to love you for doing the wrong thing. Never ever forget that.

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #101 on: April 01, 2012, 02:21:49 PM »
Yeah. I know. I know. And if you have to take a break, that's cool. This place has been putting you through a lot of shit recently. Just come back at some point, ok?

But really I think they're the ones with the obligation to back down. They may not realize or care, but if you do leave, trust me, I will be doing everything I can to get the point across.

Damnit I suck too at explaining emotional things to logical people. Bodie I've always liked, cause on some level I understand hierarchies and I get the sense she's an expert on them. But I've never figured out how to communicate well with Callaway.

Why would they have an obligation to back down? It's not how this works. This is Meadow's callout thread.

Or are you saying that she is so emotionally and intellectually challenged, so inferior in every respect to every single one of us responding in this thread and elsewhere that we should see it as our collective responsibility to stop her from hurting herself and leave her be? Because that is what I'm reading from you, between the lines.

Don't you think that is more than a little condescending? 
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Offline Meadow

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #102 on: April 01, 2012, 02:40:17 PM »
I'm not sure what you want me to prove, first of all. And this bullshit has been going on long enough. 

Offline Meadow

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #103 on: April 01, 2012, 02:43:20 PM »
You all want to fight me. I said go ahead. Bring it. You brought it. WTF else do you fucking want!?

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #104 on: April 01, 2012, 02:44:11 PM »
I'm not sure what you want me to prove, first of all. And this bullshit has been going on long enough. 

You've been claiming that me and "the forum rats" have been out to get you from day one, so you could start by proving that.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein