I will just say, again, I'm autistic. Language is not my strong point. If I go much beyond that to reply to your post I will have people mocking and making fun of me. It has hurt much and you're right, I won't stay. I don't think I need to repeat myself about my experiences. They're still making jokes about it and probably will long after I've gone if they become bored enough. They give me an ill feeling about the human race but I do know it is this segment of the population and not the norm. I have never been treated like this in real life. People here are so small minded they take small bits of information and think they know something based on their very limited generalizations about a given subject or matter. No one can fathom coming through what I have and be talented and successful too while also struggling with a developmental disability. I don't care. They aren't worthy of any effort on my part to prove anything although a few did see some of my work and you can check with them on that if you doubt me. One thing I can't tolerate is being called a liar. A lot of things I have taken here have been hard. I've only learned that forum isn't going to work either. I understand why and don't need to explain. It's complicated, obviously. What else can I say. That's who I am, have no choice about it. I live a respectable dignified life and the last thing I need is people who just want to tear me down. It's really unthinkable to me. I have explained who I am numerous times and most don't hear it. They're just into the sport of hurt and injuring another, evidently. And if I said it hurt they would laugh about that too. I know the type real well. I was raised by it. They are slow learners and they have a mean, cruel, hard-core side. I can't relate to it. If you want to analyze that and make a judgment, feel free but I'm frankly tired of trying to get anyone to understand me. I don't believe that's the objective to them anyway.
All right. Here's my piece.
I like you. I was hoping you'd stick around, and I'm still hoping you will, because if you do, I'll have a friend here. Ok there are a few other people here that I'd consider friends, but no one who plays on the emotional level that you do.
(Except maybe Odeon with this latest prank, but that's neither here nor there.

The point is you make me feel less alone.

I think Bodie's little rant has proven well, exactly what you, Meadow, set out to show. Language is
not your strong point. That's okay. I personally think there should be room here for both people who are good with language and people who are not. It's shitty and cowardly on anybody's part to beat up on someone who is much weaker than they are in
any domain. Whether that means out-speaking someone with speech difficulty, out-manipulating someone who doesn't read social signals well, or out-logicking someone who's not very book-smart, there's just no contest there. What the hell kind of community is it where that happens and nobody questions it?
The trick, the trick, is for people to look past their own assumptions and see where the other person really stands. And if not meet them on their own level, then at least make sure nobody's imploding. It may be the internet but it's real stakes here, I have no doubt that what happened to you in the past was real, and while I'm not about to start advocating for safe space, which only takes the cattiness underground and passive-aggressive, I
am going to do what I can to stand up for people who are needled into revealing things they weren't ready to reveal.
For example, I think it's awful rich for Callaway to nag you about how you're paying for your house, when she doesn't even have an ask away thread because she so terribly dislikes answering personal questions.
Because not everyone realizes, when they come to I2, that even though it's an unmoderated environment, they are under no obligation to listen to anybody.
l.o.l. and now I can't figure out whether to post this in the callout thread or the peanut gallery. Guess I'll put it here, cause I consider even this a form of fighting.