Yes, same, Argos, in he UK at least, are a chain store, with an internet presence allowing one to order items and have them shipped to a local branch for pickup.
And pappy, your finding entertainment value in her, that is to say, provoking her deliberately, is being a bully. That is what I find cuntish. I'll give you, certainly, that meadow did not make it easy NOT to want to boil her alive in a bath tub full of her own fermenting piss. But deliberately giving her grief to set her off, that isn't right. No more than it is to anyone else (except MLAnus mind you, because he is just a fucking faggot.)
And Mengele's work wasn't all good you know. He used subjects with mental retardation, and almost certainly some autistics as well.
Not denying, mind you, that meadow had it coming a lot of the time. I just don't think she was faking being spesh for the purposes of trolling, and as such, actively bullying, as opposed to tearing her a new arse hole for acting like a little shit, isn't right. that standard isn't, btw something that applies to everybody, unless you happen to be MotherLovingAnus, as there just aren't any notable times that one is otherwise than a gangrenous scrotal abscess. to borrow a term from the lexicon of particle physics and quantum mechanics, noxious cunt is his ground state, corresponding to a lowest energy level equal to that of the lowest common denominator

But in meadow's case, I reckon she did have genuine trouble fitting in. And its that which I can sympathize/empathize with her. Its just unfortunate that it manifested itself in the guise of her acting like a complete cunt. Well not a COMPLETE cunt, seeing as she was certainly wet, but lacked both depth and use to humanity at large.