Author Topic: Let's Fight!!  (Read 21778 times)

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #135 on: April 01, 2012, 06:41:01 PM »
if someone weaker picks on you or someone else first, then they have to take you as they find you, IMO.  I realize that I probably am much more intelligent than she is, but I can hardly tie half my brain behind my back to bring myself down to her level.

No? Why not? Is your pride in your brain more important to you than the welfare of an abused woman?

I think you must have entirely missed my point about different types of intelligence. You can go on about how Intensity is not the place for people's welfare, but after a point it stops being about the site rules and starts being about one human being and another. I can't say I'm impressed by the human being I see.

if she insults most of the members of the site, I don't think that it's fair to ask them to hold back from flaming her because she's less intelligent (or less whatever) than they are.  I believe that if she thinks that she should be protected from flames while flaming others herself, Intensity just doesn't work that way.

This sounds like a long way of saying "she started it! I'm just defending myself!" Which if you do any research on conflict dynamics (or if you have just about any experience  :P ) you'll know that both sides say it. Is your idea that you yourself should take no responsibility for de-escalation?

I'll take that into account in the future.

Also, I can ask other people not to flame her if I want. I know damn well most of them won't listen to me.

Nobody would suggest to her that she wear heavy gloves while she painted or drew to level the playing field.

Not sure how much you know about the art world, but beyond the level of high school contests it starts to become far less about raw talent or skill, and far more about trends and personal connections. Society does indeed suggest that some people wear heavy gloves, and it does it indirectly via exclusion from the group.

I see from the posts that have piled up that you are trying to portray this as just Bodaccea and me against Meadow, but I think that's inaccurate.  I think that it's Meadow against most of the active members of Intensity since there aren't too many active members that she hasn't insulted.

Er, just because I addressed you and Bodie doesn't mean I'm not aware of all the others. What's the matter, do you feel unfairly singled out?
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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #136 on: April 01, 2012, 06:41:16 PM »
Meadow do you know  The_Chosen_One you two would make a great pair.
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

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Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #137 on: April 01, 2012, 06:44:05 PM »
If she lives in a beautiful little house that someone else pays for on her behalf, then that's highly relevant.

One more thing. There's nothing shameful about patronage.
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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #138 on: April 01, 2012, 06:53:38 PM »
Meadow do you know  The_Chosen_One you two would make a great pair.

No, but I'm sure it's a lovely insult. And coming from you, expected, like many others. If it improves your self worth to belittle anyone, it doesnt say a lot for you anyway.

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #139 on: April 01, 2012, 06:57:12 PM »
if she insults most of the members of the site, I don't think that it's fair to ask them to hold back from flaming her because she's less intelligent (or less whatever) than they are.  I believe that if she thinks that she should be protected from flames while flaming others herself, Intensity just doesn't work that way.

Missed this before.

I think Pyraxis just said pretty much the same thing, but this is not just about the site. Just like people have recently been saying in other discussions how being ALLOWED to post pretty much anything on here doesn't mean that you should (or that it's cool to do so). I highly doubt pyraxis was suggesting we change the rules of the site to prevent people ganging up on others. Therefore the whole "that's not what intensity is about" thing is a bullshit excuse

The fact that we CAN abuse anyone we want on here without moderation doesn't mean every insult and argument is on the same level. I also don't think that this thing between Callaway and Meadow has anything to do with intelligence. It seems to me to be more to do with callaway's abiility to stay calm in arguments and not appear affeected by things, against Meadow's tendency to react. Which is why Callaway obviously looks like she's got the upper hand in this one

parts mentioning TCO is interesting actually, in that this is similar to the TCO thing. As a site, we did gang up too harshly on TCO imo. Almost like a bunch of (stereotypical) NT kids picking on the weird aspie kid at school. It might be ok here, where there are no teachers (moderators) to do anything to stop you, but it doesn't mean we have to lower ourselves to it

I got myself in a bit of a mess recently over admittting on here that I often (with one or two obvious cases lol) stop myself taking the piss out of certain members here because I feel like I'm picking on a child. That might be incredibly patronising, but I think it's a better way of dealing with someone if you believe them to be more low-functioning or (much) less intelligent than you are, and while I wouldn't be surprising if no one agrees with me on this, I am at least happier with myself for responding like that now.

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #140 on: April 01, 2012, 06:58:19 PM »
Meadow do you know  The_Chosen_One you two would make a great pair.

There are so many similarities. Meadow is just like TCO when he's in meltdown mode.

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #141 on: April 01, 2012, 06:59:13 PM »
btw I don't see how Meadow is supposedly so much less intelligent that others here? Am I missing something?

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #142 on: April 01, 2012, 06:59:51 PM »
Meadow do you know  The_Chosen_One you two would make a great pair.

No, but I'm sure it's a lovely insult. And coming from you, expected, like many others. If it improves your self worth to belittle anyone, it doesnt say a lot for you anyway.

I have mainly stayed out of all this and when I did comment it was on a substantive issue not your personality.   The_Chosen_One has similar episode to the one you are having now and find it necessary to take breaks from here to calm down and regroup.  I believe it would be in your best interest to do the same if you do indeed stay
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw

Offline Meadow

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #143 on: April 01, 2012, 07:03:05 PM »
Meadow do you know  The_Chosen_One you two would make a great pair.

No, but I'm sure it's a lovely insult. And coming from you, expected, like many others. If it improves your self worth to belittle anyone, it doesnt say a lot for you anyway.

I have mainly stayed out of all this and when I did comment it was on a substantive issue not your personality.   The_Chosen_One has similar episode to the one you are having now and find it necessary to take breaks from here to calm down and regroup.  I believe it would be in your best interest to do the same if you do indeed stay

Oh, well...I feel for whoever they are.

Offline Meadow

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #144 on: April 01, 2012, 07:35:28 PM »
Thanks Adam.

In my behalf, if I weren't very intelligent I wouldn't be living as well as I do materially or be as gifted as I am artistically. You have to have brains to have that kind of skill. I know that seems to piss others off some but it's just a statement of fact for me and nothing more. I'm not a dumby who thinks they are a good artist when they aren't. That seems to happen a lot, especially for people who think they can sing. I'm very critical and never satisfied but I also know its top notch. Anyway, anyone who thinks I'm stupid is just stupid. I have a lot of trouble with language, it's actually really painful to pull off, even in writing, and I don't need this kind of environment.

You are nice Adam, thanks a bunch for that.

Anyway, I came back because of what Parts said. I asked for the account to be deleted. That should happen at least by next Friday.


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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #145 on: April 01, 2012, 09:39:05 PM »
You aren't going anywhere, until I say you can.   :M

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #146 on: April 01, 2012, 11:19:26 PM »
I'm fascinated by how Pyraxis is able to find a viewpoint that essentially ignores everything Meadow does, is condescending like no one else, but at the same time manages to challenge her usual opponents.

I agree with a lot of it but not all. If we were to follow Pyraxis logic, the best thing for Meadow would be to be banned here, for her own sake, so she can't further harm herself. My responsibility, really, but also an action that says "no, Meadow, you are not an adult, you are unfit to be here".

Yet that also goes against what I2 stands for.

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Offline Meadow

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #147 on: April 01, 2012, 11:34:50 PM »
You're an abuser. I hope you get murdered.

Offline Meadow

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #148 on: April 01, 2012, 11:55:15 PM »
Demanding that I show my artwork!! What kind of person does that?? Someone who is completely nuts obviously, and inappropriate beyond all comprehension. You're a psycho.

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Re: Let's Fight!!
« Reply #149 on: April 01, 2012, 11:57:12 PM »
Demanding that I show my artwork!! What kind of person does that?? Someone who is completely nuts obviously, and inappropriate beyond all comprehension. You're a psycho.

You proclaim to be some great artist, people wanted proof to judge it for its merits and they're the ones insane to dare ask. Your butchering of logic is quite astounding.
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