Author Topic: What drugs are you on tonight?  (Read 3902 times)

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Re: What drugs are you on tonight?
« Reply #135 on: March 25, 2012, 10:04:18 AM »
I could murder one of...

Offline Lestat

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Re: What drugs are you on tonight?
« Reply #136 on: March 27, 2012, 12:41:48 AM »
An arseload of benzos, loprazolam and nitrazepam. Completely without effect. Majorly overloaded, its helped some but not by much. Taking a months worth of both, completely without effect. Construction work on the new lab really overloaded me. I need to go get some earplugs, I'm out of 'em.
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Re: What drugs are you on tonight?
« Reply #137 on: March 27, 2012, 02:17:40 AM »
I found some more lorazepam this morning. They don't have much of an effect on me either but they are better than nothing.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: What drugs are you on tonight?
« Reply #138 on: March 29, 2012, 05:46:13 AM »
Found? benzos do little to me. I still keep picking up my nitrazepam and loprazolam scripts though, they are useful as anxiolytics but put me to sleep? lol, I must be built like a tank when it comes to benzos, the amount it takes to do  that of any of 'em is ridiculous. I take chlormethiazole and even that doesn't do much. I put it down to being spesh and the weird metabolism that comes with it. I'm surprised my doc is willing to give me the scripts he does, but he does realize I probably have a far better idea of how they all work and why than he does.
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Re: What drugs are you on tonight?
« Reply #139 on: March 29, 2012, 10:57:32 AM »
Well, you said you're 'biochemically weird' or something? Must make it difficult to work out the effects the stuff will have on you but you've obviously had rather a lot of that experience, too. That's the part they can't cover, anywhere else & that you'd know more about, anyway!
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Re: What drugs are you on tonight?
« Reply #140 on: March 29, 2012, 01:54:37 PM »
Fresh air!
blah blah blah

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Re: What drugs are you on tonight?
« Reply #141 on: March 31, 2012, 04:57:32 AM »
Found? benzos do little to me. I still keep picking up my nitrazepam and loprazolam scripts though, they are useful as anxiolytics but put me to sleep? herp derp, I must be built like a tank when it comes to benzos, the amount it takes to do  that of any of 'em is ridiculous. I take chlormethiazole and even that doesn't do much. I put it down to being spesh and the weird metabolism that comes with it. I'm surprised my doc is willing to give me the scripts he does, but he does realize I probably have a far better idea of how they all work and why than he does.
Found as in they were in my drawer and I forgot they were there.

I just took sodium valproate, ziprasidone and reboxetine.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: What drugs are you on tonight?
« Reply #142 on: April 02, 2012, 12:58:44 AM »
Oxycontin, oxynorm (IR oxycodone), tizanidine, some loprazolam (different from lorazepam, weird-arse benzo few people seem ever to have heard of, it was a new one on my doc, and when I had breathing difficulties for a few days, and called out paramedics, they too assumed I meant lorazepam, and I had to explain the difference) and 3 chlormethiazole capsules, in an effort to get some sleep.

Not much use though, tonight was one of those nights where I just can't sleep. I didn't expect too much though given my general resistance to GABA drugs. Took some fexofenadine also (long acting antihistamine, as my pain meds were making me itch)

Have to go to the docs in a little while and make an appointment, I need more pain meds, I ran out of OCs earlier, didn't realise at the time, but the script must have been mistyped, giving me a weeks supply, where I am meant to get two. Compensated for running out on sunday by taking an equal quantity of oxynorm to the OCs I was meant to have, so I feel fine. Either that or they simply reprinted my last script, not realising that I had to pick up an extra one weeks worth when I got changed from some of my meds monthly, to all of them every two weeks. I hate it when this happens and everything gets thrown out of whack.

Might go pick up a bottle of codeine linctus later. Many pharmacies no longer carry it, I only know two that do. Found a place that does the flavour that goes great with cheap tesco own brand lime soda, with a splash of vodka it makes quite a tasty cocktail:D

On a xylometazoline nasal spray also, as tizanidine gives me nasal congestion. A small price to pay for preventing overloading though, and its FAR better than benzos (as well as not being dependence forming) in making me sleep. Didn't work tonight though, sometimes I get nights/days where I just can't sleep, no matter what I try. Couldn't get into a comfortable position either, with my back pain and  my hip.

Hopefully the pain clinic, when I see them, will be able to find the right combination of pain meds for me...and do the steroid shot I want for my hip, as its getting no better. Pain meds just cover it up a bit, but hopefully a corticosteroid shot might bring down the inflammation there.

Need to see him about the wrist-drop and partial paralysis of my hand too. I need a wrist-brace but can't find any. Ick...I hate needles though,  I can IV/IM thanks to practise, but I have a thing about other people doing it. Can't inject my own hip though, wouldn't even try.

Valproate? ick. Just make sure you don't have any kids on it Ren, valproate is really teratogenic stuff.

I've been on lorazepam before myself. Found its quick onset good, but it was too short acting, and no better at keeping me asleep than any of the others. Benzos I get currently are loprazolam and nitrazepam. The nitrazepam is ok though for a benzo, loprazolam takes several hours though to reach peak plasma levels. When I decided to come off the lorazepam, as I found it wasn't worth the cost of being physically dependent that was hell, ended up in the ER, even tapering, and the day after coming out, had a temporal lobe seizure.

I hate seizures, they suck. Valproate would be an absolute last choice for me personally though. Don't think its used for myoclonus much. It can be, as its quite a broad spectrum anticonvulsant, but I find 'racetams work well for me there. Lower-end dose ranges of many opiates suppress it very well, but at higher doses they seem to actually cause it. Other than tramadol, which I hate anyway. Horrid stuff.

I need to get more pramiracetam. I wish it wasn't so damn expensive.

I'm about to take a small amount of nicotine solution also, after  I finish my pipe.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: What drugs are you on tonight?
« Reply #143 on: April 02, 2012, 11:39:14 PM »
Well lamotrigine is my first choice but it is so expensive here. Plus the effects wore off after a couple of years on it. I was getting loads of headaches and mood swings and so decided to go back on the valproate. I don't plan on having kids so no concern there.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: What drugs are you on tonight?
« Reply #144 on: April 03, 2012, 02:43:34 PM »
Nor do I. Actually I may never even date again, after losing the love of my life. Only chance I am ever likely to date again is if I could track down, and have some luck with my classically autie ex fiancee. (been engaged twice, once to her and once to an aspie.)

I'm on oxy, chlormethiazole, nitrazepam, and soon its time for a dose of tizanidne
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.