Ow, ouch, or something. Thanks, Sir Les! Typically blunt, even if not all the 'instructions' actually make enough sense to me, yet. How to put this...? I really was not trying to 'guilt' anybody into anything! Mostly, trying to think before posting just gets me anxious & confused. While I do, quite clearly, get told not to think as much a lot more than the other way around.
Whilst both sets of advice maybe equally good, I can't work out when to do which, without thinking about it & then I can't be 'spontaneous' & so on. I am not 'self absorbed', either; do give egs & explain how they were that, otherwise?
Are the callouts I'm in good entertainment, then? (Since Odeon felt the need to visit mine himself, I don't imagine he could have been too impressed with how the others were handling it...?) 
Nah Odeon likes callouts as much as the next person and him being in there or not is not significant.
Odeon is very good in a callout and as are others.
The thing is in general what I am saying I guess is that yo were painful two years ago and I am not trying to suggest that you were not and to be fair you are not nearly as difficult as you were then. That is not to say that you are easy to communicate with always or that you don't post anoying things or that your posts are completely void of confusion, just that you have come a LONG way from where you were 2 years ago. I can appreciate it but others can not because they diod not know you 2 years ago.
I see improvement and big ups to you for that.
As to the leave or not leave. In support forums it will start a major thread about everyone saying . "No don't leave." Others stating how sad they would be (like the person leaving had become something special in their life), People will offer all kinds of inducement to stay or whatever. It is ego stroking.
Here someone says they will leave and the default is "OK, Bye. All the best" (If they are liked) or 'Well fuck off already" (If they are disliked).
You are making progress and it is small but noticable. Keep trying and the improvements will continue. This shit is not easy.
Edit: Oh yes one rule we DO have is stay out of the peanut gallery if it is in respect to a thread that you are involved in. Another is to stay out of someone else's callout. JUst a heads up. When you ask questions in your own callout's peanut gallery you have to expect people to tell you to fuck off and stop posting there. It is not personal but you are not suppose to post there.