Can't view the video properly, as I've no sound. Who is this judge judy bint? Sounds like an american version of that jeremy kyle? or that black one with the weird name...whasserface?
I don't like all the 'drugs are just bad' propaganda. Even if something is a mistake, and abusing them is, it makes no sense to lump 'drugs' together as if they were all one and the same item. As far as I am concerned, my body is my property and nobody elses. My stalker could have it, but the govt.? their right to determine my actions ends right in front of anybody else's nose. What I personally do with my own body is, and always will be determined by me alone.
I live in it, its mine, whatever goes into the piece of meat I live in goes in there with my consent, and as long as I harm nobody, then fair is fair. My meat, my property, mine to psychologically alter as I wish, when and why I wish.
People who choose not to use anything, same goes for them, their body, theirs do with what they wish.
Those in government do not dictate to me what I can put into it. And the only way anybody else owns my body...they better be female, clasically autistic, flappy, intelligent and good looking