Author Topic: Yay-I'm getting my driver's license soon  (Read 2404 times)

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Re: Yay-I'm getting my driver's license soon
« Reply #45 on: April 01, 2012, 09:58:23 PM »
Ty. I'll have to ring the DVLA today for a new form, after the neighbour buggered up signing it this time. Just glad I'm not getting tested today, I'm already tired  from crappy sleep and need to be up early to get a refill on my scripts. Only realised the doc had given me a weeks supply instead of two weeks when I ran out of OC yesterday (on a sunday, great)

Although my instant release oxy is enough to stop any nastiness if I adjust the dose to compensate for having less of the extended release ones. I hate it when this sort of shit happens.
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Re: Yay-I'm getting my driver's license soon
« Reply #46 on: April 02, 2012, 01:25:57 AM »
Ha! More problems with your drugs - hope you can sort those out today. Anything else going on, though?
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Re: Yay-I'm getting my driver's license soon
« Reply #47 on: April 02, 2012, 06:00:28 AM »
I got it sorted. I am  supposed to get two weeks worth of OCs at a time, but in an effort to synch all my scripts I only got a weeks worth last time. Just got back home actually, got another weeks worth, and it will get changed back to two weeks supply next time I come in.

*shoots a couple of 40s and an oxynorm*

Didn't get any decent sleep last night thanks to running out of the weeks script. Ended up taking a couple of my sleeping pills and some tizanidine, which if I take most of my daily dose at night, almost always knocks me out cold. But still didn't sleep. Time for a bit of relaxation :D

Difficult to IV though with my wrist drop, the affected hand is numb and fingers semi-paralysed, so I'm making sure to filter especially well, using 0.2 micron sterifilters, and IM-ing at the moment. Damn hard to open up my oxynorm capsules though with my dominant hand out of action (mostly) And of course I can't afford to spill any. And I HATE IM shots with a passion. But the 1cc insulin needles I have are no good, I can't reach any veins with those useless bastardlyshites, they are all too deep, and the needles are really short.

100mg IM though still does the trick. I'd be happy with less IV, but I just can't hit with these short little shitty thing. And the micron filters clog really quickly. Can't do without them though, as shooting pills without a proper filter can damage the heart valves, cause pulmonary hypertension etc. Which I of course, don't need.

Anything else? not much, although I'm going to get a wrist brace when I find my wallet to gfive it some support and hopefully prevent or reduce it dropping like a dying fish. Pretty cheap at my local pharmacy, something like £3 ish. Although I have some spiked wristbands, one of them is pretty firm, tough leather, which might do the trick. Although I need an excuse to pop to that pharmacy, as I need some lavender oil and codeine syrup too.

Sure am glad I got my scripts sorted finally. Walking to the doctors surgery was absolute hell, had to sit down for about half an hour waiting too. I wasn't in withdrawal or anything, as I have oxynorm at 40mg/d, but oh hip was killing me. Picked up some more indomethacin as well, as I was running out.

Its a strong NSAID antiinflammatory, most of them don't work, its pretty much a last resort NSAID, but I've been through most of the others and found them useless. Ibuprofen, meloxicam, piroxicam, etc were all without any benefit I could notice. This one can have a ton of nasty side effects, but I've found it both works half decently and I haven't had it melt my digestive tract. I've been wondering if it could possibly be turned into a cannabinoid...its structurally similar to some of the JWH series napthoylindoles. And I know it has been experimented on with success as a precursor for 5-methoxy-2,n,n-trimethyltryptamine which looks like an interesting compound, all I'd need is some oxalyl chloride, which is a bitch to make and handle...fumes, toxic, hydrolyses in atmospheric moisture. Apparently a sexual stimulant as well as the expected tryptamine psychedelic properties.

And some phosphorus..which I could make easily enough, I'd just have to build a furnace, which might be fun. General reaction scheme would be to react indomethacin with oxalyl chloride, to give an acetamide, react white phosphorus with anhydrous ammonia to give phospham, a funky cyclic imide which would be reacted with methanol to give dimethylamine. Followed by addition of dimethylamine to the indomethacin derivative, then reduction with lithium aluminium hydride in THF.

Need to make more chloroform though for use as a solvent. I don't have much, and none of it is spare. Easily done though via the haloform reaction, which is dead simple. Simply treating acetone with hypochlorite bleach (and I have a big industrial drum of hypochlorite solution which I don't use all that often...still have about 4 gallons left. almost literally fell into my lap, so to speak. Came totally free, along with about 4 gallons of diphenylmethyl-4,4-diisocyanate that for some reason had both been dumped.)

Finders keepers:D

And both 2,n,n-trimethyltryptamine and instead of the 5-methoxy derivative the corresponding thioether might be interesting and accessible via indomethacin. The former is known to be a tactile/sexual stimulating compound. Right know my mind is working overtime pondering such things in its typical autie hyperfocus manner. Some HBr in THF or ether (would use chloroform or DCM, but they seemingly form inactive quaternary tryptammonium halides, at least, dichloromethane can do. These are charged and as such won't stand a chance of passing the blood-brain barrier, so I'd have to test it with CHCl3 on a microscale to see if a quat gets formed. I don't think the thioether has ever been explored, or at least, its very little known (I mean, replacing the 5-position methoxy on the indole ring with 5-SCH3)

You know the man's trash is another's treasure. That goes doubly true when the finder is an autie with an enthusiasm for molecular biology, pharmacology, toxicology and chemistry. It never ceases to amaze me what some people throw out. I found a gold watch in a skip once, along with a jerusalem cross from around the 15th-16th century. Solid silver. Along with an antique ivory page turner and some big heavy metal buttons, which on my testing one by wetting it some, then exposing to hydrogen sulfide (eggy stinking, horrid stuff, and toxic in a similar way to hydrogen cyanide by fucking up cytochrome oxidase and buggering the capacity of haemoglobin to carry oxygen) they blackened, which indicates that they too were solid silver.

Ended up selling most of the silver for scrap...although I told the scrap silver dealer to basically go fuck herself when she offered me next to nothing for the jerusalem cross. Tried ripping me off to the tune of less than a fiver. For something thats weighty, and around 5-6 hundred years old...not a cat in hells chance was I going to part with that Besides, it looks great on me, if I do say so myself. Goes perfectly with my leather trench, and looks even better if I take my staff out instead of my cane to walk with.

I need to carve a new staff though, my  current one is a bit plain. Supports my leg and hip just fine, I need to find somewhere to buy a nice long bit of ebony, and cast some silver endcaps, I've been thinking perhaps plating the endcaps for that with iridium. A rare platinum group metal that is incredibly tough, very hard, and won't tarnish or scratch. Just about the only things that attack Ir are molten/fused NaOH/KOH, molten potassium/sodium cyanide, and truly vicious things like elemental fluorine...hell, I don't think even HF touches iridium. And I think I know where I can get a few grams of iridium tribromide for a reasonable price...about £35-40 for 3g or so.

I prefer a staff to a cane, much more comfortable, and without the side handle of a cane its easier to hold and bear my weight better. With the wrist drop, my cane lags behind me. And of course, I get no grief from otherwise hostile, mindless pikey chav vermin. More stylish to be sure, and great defensive potential. And perfectly legal to carry about too, as its a disability aid, not officially speaking, a weapon :D

I did have a decent length of ash that I was going to use, but that got conscripted unfortunately, into supporting part of the garden hose assembly. Father I think assumed I had just abandoned it..but actually it was being left to season, and had become rock-hard.

Although don't get the wrong idea about me, I don't start fights, at least, not without a very good reason, the last times I did actually start one, once I was spat on in the street by some thug and verbally abused, so he got what was coming to him, and the last time was when two chav twats were going to jump me. I have no problem getting in there first if I know someone is going to start shit, I just don't go looking for fights. When I know its inevitable that someone else is about to try it on, I have no problem kicking their arses before they have a chance to actually do anything. Better to get in their first and leave them on the floor (or in the case of the skinhead shitbag that gobbed on me, stamped face first through a phonebox wearing his bike as a necklace:P)

I'm not a violent person by nature, but I'm good at it when needs be. I have zero compassion for thuggish chav types that think beating on people who dress different is a good evenings entertainment, or 'people' that think it acceptable to attempt to relieve me of my property. The last time it happened though thankfully  was a couple of years ago when two such arsewipes tried jumping me at a cashpoint. Cowardly little dipshits tried to rob me, and one of them ran off after the first one got kicked in the face:D  Despite my dislike of having to get in a confrontation like that, I won't stand for being spat at by some poster-boy for post-natal abortion, nor for having my things stolen. If someone is going to beat on me for my wallet, then they are going to find themselves in an ambulance, wishing they had never been born. Its too much effort and stress dealing with shit like that, and the whoresons of bitches that go with it. Ended up cracking a bone in my wrist thanks to the shithead that gobbed at me, had to wear a splint, which hurt like hell. Didn't break it, just a hairline fracture. Chances are though the uppercut to his ugly mush that cracked it through the force of the impact left him worse off than me...that is, before he ended up wearing his bike, and being kicked through the glass pane of the phonebox.

So much for backing his friend up, and some mate he must be to leg it while his partner in wankerdom takes a pasting he won't ever forget. I believe in sticking up for friends if they get in trouble, and won't abandon them, that is disgusting and dishonorable.

Anything else going an appointment soon with the pain clinic. Got the letter recently. In about a week or so. I'm hoping to find out if a racemic brand of methadone is available as one of its isomers is an NMDA antagonist, and that would be a lot more helpful for the neuropathic pain than what I currently get for it, pregabalin (lyrica), which is ok as a mild anxiolytic that isn't sedating (to me at least, bearing in mind my odd responses to GABA drugs in general, alcohol and muscimol aside) but not great for the post-surgery neuropathy. It would depend on what brands are available, as chances are not all of them will be a racemate. Although I'm willing to try other things than that, or my current oxy script, as oxy doesn't do all that well with my hip. Fantastic for my knee, but not so hot for my hip. And even with antihistamines it still makes me itch a lot. Surprisingly, even codeine makes me less itchy, although thats only suitable for recreational use as its strong enough for a good, relaxing day, I must metabolize it quite well, but not even a thousand miles away from being enough to deal with either my hip or my knee. But its a cheaper, healthier, hangover-free alternative to alcohol, as I am not that big of a drinker. Its well known as being just about the itchiest opioid around, but I find oxy worse in that respect.
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Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline BruceCM

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Re: Yay-I'm getting my driver's license soon
« Reply #48 on: April 02, 2012, 07:00:17 AM »
Ebony staff, sure would be stylish! Leather wrist band should help, got to be better than nothing, at least. Glad it's mostly sorted/ getting sorted out, too. By now, I gather you no more start fights than I do & I imagine there's rather more idiots around trying to start them where you live than down here in Exeter, sadly. Sherlock Holmes Boxing Scene-VERY AWESOME!!!!!!!
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Offline Lestat

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Re: Yay-I'm getting my driver's license soon
« Reply #49 on: April 02, 2012, 02:59:21 PM »
The wristband is helping me type with both hands, the more I use it, the better it should encourage nerve connections to (re)grow whereever damage has been done. I've found my spiked leather bracers too. They really help, and provide a ton of support...not to mention going well with the trench.

Think sturdy black leather bracers, covered in metal spikes, that runs the full length of the forearm. I need to modify it a little though and give it some softer padding where it meets the wrist and elbow joints, to prevent friction irritating my arm.

And they will come in very handy if ever I am attacked with a knife (which has happened twice, one time I was merely threatened, the other time I legged it after the little snot screaming blue murder, whilst ringing someone up to come down for me in their car...who then proceeded to belt it after them and almost mow the cunt down:D)

These bracers would definately stop a slash and probably a stabbing from most knives, unless it was either something like a parang, kukri, machete etc. or something thin and stabby like a stiletto.

The bracer one (I have quite a few different spiked and studded leather wrist/armbands) needs a bit of playing with to make it wearable for longer periods, the shorter one isn't nearly as stiff, and has softened through wear, but it doesn't provide as much support. I have an intermediate one, thats about 3.5 inch wide, and has three rows of steel studs..not nearly as long as the bracers, but more comfortable, and much stiffer than the smaller armbands.

If only I could FIND the crowbegotten shitbitch of a thing.
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Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline BruceCM

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Re: Yay-I'm getting my driver's license soon
« Reply #50 on: April 02, 2012, 03:09:16 PM »
Not too surprised you'd have such things around & very glad they help a bit. Hopefully, you'll find the missing one & the nerves will indeed sort themselves out, so you can use that hand again. Presumably, most knives around there are still relatively small, not machetes, etc?
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Re: Yay-I'm getting my driver's license soon
« Reply #51 on: April 02, 2012, 05:55:37 PM »
I found it actually, and its alright at the job.

As for the knives...last time I h had one pulled on me it was a hunting knife, the guy was a pussy though and obviously put up to it by peer pressure, from his scumbag chav friends. Shaking like a leaf. I didn't even touch him, just turned my back and walked away. Which might well have hurt as much as a kick in the goolies. The look on his face said as much. Made him look like a complete fucking chump in front of his pack of trash.

He didn't even try to use it on me. Had he done so though I would have ended him.

What is legal to carry around here, as far as knives go, is a folding knife without a lock, up to 3 inch. Purely for home defense I keep a gas revolver, a dart rifle, a crappy .22 air pistol, a pair of nunchaku (which I know how to use, at least when my wrist and hand work properly again. And a sword. I have a pretty nice ninja-to.

I do carry a penknife with me, but not as a weapon. I would use it if I absolutely had to, or if I saw somebody defenseless getting picked on, but I could probably do a lot more damage a lot quicker and without leaving any blood open handed. My knife is for opening beer bottles, and when I am out hiking, for digging up mushrooms for dinner (and for...OTHER purpose :D)

Its never been used in anger, I wouldn't have a problem stabbing somebody who was trying to fuck me up, but I could just as easily drop somebody without wasting time opening the blade. I'd not be without it though, comes in very handy.

When I did carry a knife, when I was much younger, it was a set of throwing knives  that strapped on under the forearm, and a boer-war era bayonet. That was a bit over a foot long, handle excluded. Haven't practiced in years, but I used to be able to use a throwing knife pretty accurately (not that I would have thrown the bayonet of course, that was more like a short sword than a knife)

I need to practice more with my nunchaku though, but I haven't been able to since my nerve problems. Have got moderately good with them, and could certainly disarm somebody with them. Never had a burglar yet..and fingers crossed, so to least, if I could move them :P I never will. They would be in for a nasty surprise if anybody did break in.....wrong house, autie with a load of highly corrosive and/or toxic chemicals for his hobby and one of his speshul interests...Any burglar might just find themselves on the receiving end of a cup of concentrated nitric or sulfuric acid coming down the stairs.

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Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Yay-I'm getting my driver's license soon
« Reply #52 on: April 03, 2012, 12:55:03 AM »
The main reason knives 'work' is the 'scare' factor but I'd sure not bother with a 3" blade! Yeah, long enough to kill but a karate chop in the throat'll do that. I sure wouldn't want to be the idiot breaking into your, um, 'explosives' lab, l o l. Glad you found your 'bracelet' or whatever you call those, though!
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Re: Yay-I'm getting my driver's license soon
« Reply #53 on: April 03, 2012, 02:45:15 PM »

As it happens, the chemical supply company FINALLY got my 5l of hydrochloric acid here. So much for express shipping.
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Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Yay-I'm getting my driver's license soon
« Reply #54 on: April 03, 2012, 02:58:51 PM »
Think express delivery does, usually, get wherever quicker but... Making more bombs, huh?  :P
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Re: Yay-I'm getting my driver's license soon
« Reply #55 on: April 03, 2012, 05:49:46 PM »
Ahhh fuck off.
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Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Yay-I'm getting my driver's license soon
« Reply #56 on: April 04, 2012, 12:14:08 AM »
Well, doesn't seem much else to say, here!
Oh no, the evil webmaster changed my sig again!