I have been thinking, I want to toughen up. But not in the fake way. The real way like asians do, with painful stances and real hard work (as seen in the films Drunken Master, Kill Bill and Karate Kid.) Not the fake western way of milkshake protein and steroids.
For example, look at the fake hard man in this picture. His mucsles look soft, I expect he takes those drugs that inflate them up like fragile balloons. And notice the facial expression. He is nervous, unsure, he knows deep down fake modern methods won't help him handle himself.
He has taken no care of his inner strength and spiritual toughness, like a Samurai would have.

Now below is my role model. He has a genuine tough lean body and his muscle looks rock. Built by real hard work. Most importantly look at the face. He is calm relaxed and self assured. He knows nothing can shake him, though lean he is like an unstoppable force.