Pushing in the clutch is the part that worries me, as well as my dominant hand being nearly paralyzed. I can't raise my leg up that high and there is considerable muscle atrophy and weakness thanks to being unable to move it like my good leg. Not to mention the constant, barely relenting pain.
Part of the reason i either bang or on occasion plug my oxynorm/OCs is the simply getting a rush which is absent when ingested per os, no shit. I like opiates:P Another is that I'll sometimes shoot just one of my 4 daily oxynorm because there is just a hint of WD as my last nightly OC has mostly worn off, and on taking my morning oxycontin it takes time to begin acting so just a wee tickle of my MOR1/MOR2 is called for quickly to relieve that, but mainly its when I'm in such pain that I am nearly totally immobile. And despite occasionally supplementing with a bottle of OTC codeine linctus (OC per os is just sometimes not enough and I can't stand or walk otherwise)
UK has quite liberal laws on OTC opioids...two syrups that contain enough morphine base for someone with a tolerance, as I have, to have a single dose of oral morphine enough to provide some proper pain relief on top of the OCs/IR not hugely strong but something at least, one cough syrup that contains tincture of opium..gee's linctus, which is really tasty too

, one thats 7mg/ml codeine (pullmo bailly. Which takes someone who REALLY appreciates opioids to drink, it tastes so hideously, abominably foul nobody other could possibly choke it down) and three different types of codeine linctus, one orange flavour I don't like much, one thats quite tasty
and flavoured with CHCl3 (lol...autie with chem as one of his speshul interests...no surprise I like that one.) both at 600mg/200ml and costing only a few pounds, and another vile one thats a tiny bit stronger, terpin and codeine....ewww, full of pine turps, can't get more than a small dose down without digestive upset.
They help, and not that I would ever use it when going to drive, but methoxetamine via IV or IM works well as an analgesic that also is effective on neuropathic pain, which opioids, regardless of their strength are very, very poor at tackling. get pregabalin/lyrica for that but its of little help. not worse than nothing and it does help relax the tense muscles that cause my bad back pain when I try to sleep,but thats about it.
My leg issues are quite well controlled, at least the pain is, pain meds can do that much, but of course they do nothing for the muscle weakness. And my hip is a lot worse than my knee by a long way, M-ket relieves that pain, but opioids do not, at least oxy, morphine or both don't. And I would never be so irresponsible as to drive on MXE. I don't want to crash and kill myself or most other people.