Thanks. Was a lot to wade through and I really appreciate you answering.
Just one point as to the expectations. I think such things as posting PM's and Elders information and the like are a bit of a given. Pm's (person messages that are best shared only with the person you are wanting to not post that information publicly) and Elders forum or members only forums are designated as specifically for those areas.
We can't regulate it. Smears against families and such is poor form. I think anyone doing this must know that it will likely be frowned upon. Hell there have been times when I have basically said "OK gloves off and I don't give a shit what people think of my behaviour". but it is with that understanding.
That is not I2 that is morality generally.
I would have thought it more common sense and about decency.
If someone does these things they will not be reprimanded or punished but they will likely piss people off. It depends whether they decide that pissing off people is worth it.