(OK what expectations? That members can say what they like but in saying what they like it can piss peopel off or have peopel agree? If they agree they may say so and if they don't they might not? Or that the forum is what we make it and if we are constantly spamming or bitching it makes the atmosphere shitty for all? taht kind of thingThose are all examples, yeah. Or the specific ones like don't slag off people's kids unless you want to get stomped, sockpuppets are looked down on, don't quote things out of the Elders forum, don't quote PM's.
(What expectations have changed or are changing?) The specific ones didn't used to exist. They generally don't get made until there's a big drama and then people decide going forward, maybe we shouldn't do X.
(Is this personal values and ethics and morality?) Yes, but also morally neutral things like do you answer if someone says they had a shitty day? How often do you speak logically vs emotionally? Do you derail threads or try to keep them on topic?
(Is this saying that if you generally agree with what someone says that you are unlikely to pull them up on something you agree with? I would have thought that this is not grouping you with anyone else nor aligning yourself with anyone but merely you agreeing and I think this is the way it should be. It gives you the argue the claim not the person. I think this is good.)I meant there's a lot of potential for different types of conflicts and disagreements. I'm not sure what you mean by if you agree with what someone says that you're unlikely to pull them up on something you agree with. Why would anyone argue with something they agreed with? Unless they were screwing around and playing devil's advocate I guess.
(With what I said above, everyone is interacting not as a member of a clique but rather acting at behes of their own opinions whether they agree or not and if they do not they are at liberty to defend against a claim they do not believe in regardless of who said it. Cliques in this setting don't or ought not exist. It doesn't allow the member to back a member because they are favoured but rather means that they fight against what they don't believe in regardless of who holds that view and support a claim regardless of who holds that view) I think people who generally agree are often going to be seen as a clique, whether they want to be or not, and it's human nature to treat your friends better in subtle ways. This environment isn't enough to extinguish a behavior that instinctual. That said I do think it's generally a good principle to look at both sides of arguments rather than siding with your friends.
(Not if they are not suppporting a member but supporting views that fit with them. It allows them to defend against any views they do not agree with regardless of the person)
(I think the difference is the willingness to defend the person not the claim. If a member makes a claim which is outageous or many claims that are outrageous and they are continually backed by mates regardless of the merits of the claim then a clique is rather easier to call than if the claims are sound and supported because they are sound and not because the members like each other. In the event that the claim maker (who may otherwise make rather sound claims) starts making outrageous ones then they OUGHT to be contested by friend and foe alike)Sure.
(I think this is what I was trying to say in a post further up...not sure?
)Yeah, it sounds similar.
(I don't see the changes or the ever changing nature of this...at all) (...)
(I agree I really can not handle change. What change here though?)Subtle things, like which members are posting the most, whether there's drama going on in a given moment, who's involved in it. Sometimes people say they're bored and want drama, and they're happy to bring the popcorn, and sometimes people have had enough and just get impatient with it.
(This I agree with. I dislike seeing her go and if I could physically confront Pig I not only would but would enjoy the opportunity of doing so)I'd bring popcorn.

Though I doubt it would last long, he'd shit his pants and run for the hills.