Why are you defensive about it? You are people who find sport in degrading others no matter how much said person has tried to tell you what their personal challenges are. You have no class and if what I'm saying doesn't apply to you then shut up. I'm not talking to you.
I think that you can't be talking to Bodaccea, me or most of the members here.
To whom are you talking, in that case?
Are you posting in the mirror?
I think she is talking to us, Callaway! but what she says is rather silly. Not only does she have no idea what our achievements are but she doesn't even know what we want from life.
Example, i could say to her i have a beautiful urchin who makes me laugh every day and it's all i really need, and she might say what makes her happy is splodges of paint on some canvas - and i would say "Ok, fill your boots, luv" I can't really see how she assumes she is doing better than me! Oh wait, yeah i guess she could say "i live in a wonderful architectural structure with lovely views and many windows" and i would just shrug and say "i hope the other
inmates patients enjoy it as much"