Author Topic: Banned again from WP  (Read 11665 times)

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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #405 on: December 26, 2016, 03:24:13 PM »
Wire braid and end-weighted straps makes for a better garrotte design. That way it can be swung to tangle things. Not felidae mind you.

As loath as I am to admit it, hearing you devoted part of your life to being a vet, actually MLA, has elevated you some in my estimation of you as a human. No, I won't ever LIKE you. But for that service to animalkind, you do have some respect.

And I don't know how, dealing with pieces of shit like that god damn dog did you refrain from vivisecting the bastard. And I do NOT mean the dog. That sort of shit, is something that would have me snap my leash and cut the piece of shit responsible to shreds, slowly, and salt them after finishing skinning them alive, leaving them to squirm like the subhuman slug they are (and no I wouldn't do that to a slug either)

I honestly don't think I could restrain myself if I knew someone had done the likes of that. Its one thing for WOMEN to get frisky with a dog that wants to fuck them, thats hot. But guys raping male or female dogs, that is just messed the fuck up, its as bad as rapists of children no doubt about it. And I'd just....there aren't even WORDS for what would get done to the kind of whoreborn piece of ...............there just aren't. Even for me. I honestly do not understand why some sick, fucked up untermenschen can not only engage in, but actually think that kind of depraved, fucked up, beyond vile animal torture.

It is abhorrent. And so many things worse on so many levels of sick fucked up. And its one thing that really pushes my buttons, fuckups doing that kind of thing. I have to own up, I've dished out treatment for someone so much as deliberately stomping a snail that I'm somewhat surprised didn't bury the bastard responsible. I'll stoop to move the same, snails, slugs, small critters out of the path of the street to the very side in the mornings if I'm on my way to the docs etc, or otherwise going out, doing whatever, to make sure they don't get accidentally squashed. Have had to perform surgery on a raven once after it took a shotgun blast up at a rookery, gone to snatch a stunned sparrow or similar small sparrow-ey looking wee bird that had flown into a bus shelter and stunned itself, KOed on impact to the glass, from the path of an oncoming car before once.

I am a die-hard animal lover, always have been. Used to have a pet hedgehog as a kid for a while, after finding the poor wee lil bugger way, way too young, in a back alley near my former home, winter beginning to bite, to have survived hibernation. Had to keep it from hibernating all winter, checking up on the lil...well I'd say guy, but I can't say as I've too much practise determination of hedgehog gender. It isn't something that falls to me as a day-to-day task. But I took him/her in, made sure my spikey wee tyke (named sonic...xD what else) was kept warm and with a full belly and the best I could manage in comfortable nesting material. Barely a yearling, if that, and woefully undersize when found. Not a snowballs chance in hell of living through the oncoming winter without being taken in. So it got lucky, in that the right person was out that day both to recognize the need for aid, and to be inclined to give it. A tiny wee lil bugger, cute as hell, even as a ball of spikes. But after finding room at the inn, at chateaux de lestat, he/she definitely ended up realizing that I was not a threat, and would allow itself to be held and checked over, poking that little snuffly pointy schnozzle out and nozing about for nibblets of dog food and other hedgehog-fare as I provided:)

Bred slow-worms too as a kid, after finding a colony, where they were prevalent, but highly localized. So took samples from different areas and bred them, releasing the young, once grown some and with a better chance to fend for themselves. Always have had a habit of ending up with oddball pets, waifs and strays of the furry, scaly, insectoid/arachnid, feathered, or spiky varieties.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #406 on: December 26, 2016, 04:43:01 PM »
If a man wants to take oral sex from a dog, I say more power to him (and less penis).
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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #407 on: December 31, 2016, 04:29:31 PM »
I want to punch Alex Plank in the dick right now. What a fucking shittily designed piece of shit website.
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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #408 on: December 31, 2016, 04:30:42 PM »
I hope he sees this. I hope he fully understands the magnitude of this criticism, coming from a person who uses lime green bold Comic Sans and marquee tags in their sig.
There are no atheists when the toilet water is rising.
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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #409 on: December 31, 2016, 04:47:16 PM »

And why the fuck do you want to know this, you fucking spazzy shoes wearing dipshit? Fuck you.
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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #410 on: December 31, 2016, 05:16:57 PM »
I set it to "female" and now the field has vanished so it's presumably stuck like that. Oh well.
There are no atheists when the toilet water is rising.
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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #411 on: December 31, 2016, 05:56:46 PM »
He gives the cute , naive aspie girls moderator privileges and abuses them because he's a douche.

Hmmm... isn't that the girl Alex Plank abused and then broke up with?

Maybe he abused this girlfriend too, but IIRC, the girlfriend who posted on WP about Alex's domestic violence was named Katie.  Here's a copy of her post:

Quote from: ooohprettycolors
I got out of a verbally and emotionally abusive relationship several months ago. I didn't even recognize the abuse until it started to get physical, which is common among victims of domestic violence. Our mutual friends could see it. I loved him up until the end when I realized. I thought he loved me, but I know now that he only loved controlling me. He liked to mess with my head and manipulate me emotionally to get what he wanted, and he was very, very good at it. He didn't hit me but I know it was coming if I had stayed.

The last straw was when he held me down on the bed. I tried to get away but I was weak from crying all night and fighting with him. I tried to wiggle away but he held me tighter. He held me down on the bed and softly stroked my cheek and said, "Katie I love you." Then he screamed in my ear, "YOU f***ing b***h I HATE YOUR f***ing GUTS!" Then he lightly touched my hair and kissed me sweetly, saying "I love you so much, Katie. Do you love me?" Then, one second later, " YOU'RE A f***ing c**t FACED b***h" . .  .etc etc. This cycle repeated several times but I don't remember what happened after that. I stopped struggling. I was afraid he would kill me or rape me. I lied and said I loved him. I was compliant just to save myself. Somehow, I ended up by myself in the bed and he in the other room. I slept only a few hours, terrified he would wake up. I wanted to call the police but I knew they would just show up and then leave, and I knew he'd be really really angry. The next morning, he acted like everything was fine. I wanted to check into a mental hospital. I was almost nonverbal. My parents came (I asked them to) and he screamed equally horrendous things in my mother's face.

I moved out and got almost all of my possesions out safely. He deliberately smashed two items, claiming an accident. He tried to push my uncle down the stairs.

I have no contact with him anymore and got out safely. My daily life is back to normal but I still have nightmares. Luckily I don't have PTSD. I didn't function well for about 2 months, but that passed.

His family, who I was close to, won't speak to me. That's what hurts the worst. I miss his sister. I have no doubt that he is telling people that I abused him, or that I just went crazy, or some other collection of lies. I don't blame them for believing him. I believed his lies for over a year and a half. He is a talented deceiver, and it is difficult to realize that someone you love could be so cruel.

I wouldn't be surprised if this message got deleted because my abuser runs this website. He seems like a "real nice guy".  I just wanted to share my story with people who may have been there.

Katie ended up on the cover of a magazine because she's an artist, and that's when her post on WP mysteriously vanished. It remains here copied.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2016, 05:59:20 PM by Cleocatra »

It is far better for people to hate you for doing the right thing than for people to love you for doing the wrong thing. Never ever forget that.

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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #412 on: December 31, 2016, 06:56:15 PM »
I want to punch Alex Plank in the dick right now. What a fucking shittily designed piece of shit website.

The last time I went there to look at something one of the ads or something tried to attacked my computer.  >:(

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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #413 on: December 31, 2016, 07:10:56 PM »
The last time I went there to look at something one of the ads or something tried to attacked my computer.  >:(

Without an ad blocking extension, you're pretty much barebacking the internet. I always practice safe browsing.
There are no atheists when the toilet water is rising.
:GA:  :trollskull: 

Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #414 on: December 31, 2016, 07:14:44 PM »
The last time I went there to look at something one of the ads or something tried to attacked my computer.  >:(

Without an ad blocking extension, you're pretty much barebacking the internet. I always practice safe browsing.

I do. Nothing got through, just a notice that something had made an attempt. I haven't gotten one of those in a long time.  :orly:

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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #415 on: December 31, 2016, 07:20:41 PM »
I hope he sees this. I hope he fully understands the magnitude of this criticism, coming from a person who uses lime green bold Comic Sans and marquee tags in their sig.

I doubt he will see it here. From my understanding he probably wont see it if you do it over there too.  :lol1:

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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #416 on: January 01, 2017, 06:42:43 AM »
I hope he sees this. I hope he fully understands the magnitude of this criticism, coming from a person who uses lime green bold Comic Sans and marquee tags in their sig.

  At least you don't use lime green AND light blue AND yellow all together.  :zombiefuck:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #417 on: January 01, 2017, 06:59:09 AM »
There are no atheists when the toilet water is rising.
:GA:  :trollskull: 

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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #418 on: January 01, 2017, 07:07:32 AM »

  Now that's pretty.  Looks like a New Year's party!  :party:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"

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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #419 on: January 01, 2017, 07:38:09 AM »
There are no atheists when the toilet water is rising.
:GA:  :trollskull: