Chilled iced lychee juice, made into a slushpuppy with pulverized ice. God thats good stuff, I'd forgotten just how much I loved fresh lychee juice. I was going to buy electrolyte drinks hoping they would be easier on my stomach, but then saw the lychee juice on the shelves and stocked up. Really soothing on my poor, raw throat after spending several days spewing my gizzards out for the buzzards to peck at; and brutal acid reflux when I wasn't tossing my cookies.
Felt like gargling with paint stripper, and my insides are still rejecting anything else, but the iced lychee slushies are staying down. Lol the only problem is its TOO tasty. Hard not just to pour them down a liter at a time. Just perfect through a straw buried deep in cracked ice with the big ice cubes floating on top.
*cuts loose with a satisfied belch
