Can't beat a bacon sarnie QV. I love to do them with 2 packs of bacon a piece, nice and soft, with a good splash of worcestershire sauce, a dab of brown sauce and some tabasco, with a little fly agaric mushroom, after detoxification and curing, to season. And absolutely laden with bacon, two packs on the grill at once, layered over each other so they stay nice and chewy.
And I'm drinking 'DAB' beer...this is some REALLY good fucking beer. One of if not THE best canned beer I've ever had. Hadn't tried it before, and having just been paid the other day, thought sod it, I really want a few cold beers since it was a rather scorching hot day. And selected one I'd not tried largely at random. I think I hit on the jackpot of beers here. Lovely. Just pulled another can, my last, out of the fridge, along with a couple of packs of kraft cheese slices. Which I am now busily scoffing one after another. Soon as I've munched those, had a fag and taken my seizure meds, I'll be golden. Just had my morning pain meds, and am feeling nice and relaxed, with that nasty back pain, no..not pain..agony, just fading away, after a morphine-shaped kick in its face

Getting a nice warm fuzzy glow on, and feeling kinda sleepy.
Mmmm...gods damn thats better. The back pain being largely removed by the morphine and oxy, I'll pop a couple of zanaflex (strong muscle relaxer) to get rid of it totally, and anything left will be smoothed out by the combination of antiseizure med (has a rather potent muscle relaxing effect itself) and polished away by a cold, damn delicious, refreshing icy beer.