
Author Topic: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)  (Read 73166 times)

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2445 on: August 27, 2016, 08:56:46 PM »
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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2446 on: August 27, 2016, 09:29:43 PM »
  Pure Leaf raspberry-flavored iced tea.  8)
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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2447 on: August 28, 2016, 03:18:23 AM »
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2448 on: August 28, 2016, 02:46:48 PM »
vodka. русский стандарт, First on ice after being bought. Next, I'm thinking keep it NICE and chilly by sitting the bottle in with a favourite cryo mix, (H2O)ice, salt, ammonium sulfate or chloride and CaCl2. Or even shock-cool it in dry ice/acetone bath. I'd have done the latter but now courtesy of a now retired hotplate (last NIGHT DAMMIT I do NOT want another phosphorus halide volcano) my heating bath needs new diethylene glycol because the thermostat on my old one went sick and started spewing horrid and dangerous fumes, at the time i SERIOUSLY feared PH3 and  for many hours is I was literally, a dead man walking.
Went outside to vent SOX AND FAIL....  uggh. Got it DONE yes. But YOU try wearing a sodding well gas mask with an overtight rubber strap because you need a new one and  the rubber perished and snapped so you had to redo it so tight its bearly wearable with pulling your shoulder length hair back to your skull in a croydon facelift so tight your eyes feel like popping And then sneezing in the sodding mask. Lovely. fun. Yay. Not.

Stlll, a bottle of really smoothe vodka, quality shit, and an antifreeze-ice-acetone-calcium chloride-salt-methanol bath. Snap-freezes H2O in seconds if you get it right. Down to about -30. ALMOST cold enough to condense annie but not quite. Bitch. Still, that cryo mix is great for chilling a bottle haha. One mug and I was absolutely hammered, but the vodka was smoothe as hell when chilled to below the freezing point of water then left to warm for just a little while so as to avoid freezing it so cold there would be a cryo burn from drinking.  But using a freezing bath, even something simple like antifreeze, salt and ice will help get the bottle cold enough so it goes down soooo smooth. Of course, wiping off any adherent ethylene/diethylene glycol before pouring for toxicity reasons.
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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2449 on: August 28, 2016, 09:18:57 PM »
Just finished the wine.

I will now mourn it's passing.

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You just come out the other side...

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2450 on: August 28, 2016, 09:39:57 PM »
Still got a half bottle of the voddy left. Will help put me out for a few hours if needs be whilst my methylthiazolyl-2-ethan-2-ol dries.  More convenient than buggering about with all the SOx gas and SOx/HCl release with the SOCl2 hydrolysis.

Did not expect this, but fuck me, you would not believe how EXPENSIVE plain ordinary vitamin B1 is from a pharmacy. Got 10g worth as 100mg pills, covered with gakk but easily removed as only in a surface inked skin, water wash, gone. £30 for two packages, totalling 20g worth. Methinks  I will look either to the chinese or eastern europeans for next time. thirty buff for 20g is ridiculous for a fucking vitamin, which doubtless is produced en masse by the gigatonne annually, and is a WHO basic, critical care medicine worldwide. That should not be so expensive on a small scale like that I am currently experimenting on.
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Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2451 on: August 29, 2016, 05:38:25 AM »
Just finished the wine.

I will now mourn it's passing.

  And yet ... somewhere in a vineyard, your new bottle is growing.  :bonnet:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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--- Edward Walker, The Village

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2452 on: August 29, 2016, 10:00:40 AM »
No that would be at a glass plant:P

And, now? NOW I am drinking pink grapefruit juce with the floaty pulp bits in it. NOW its what I am drinking, after an unwelcome surprise to find some swine had stacked the shop shelves with mostly pink grapefruit and a rogue applejuice. I WANTED pulp-ey grapefruit juice and i GOT apple juice. Lucky for me I'd bought several cartons, the rest being rGFJ, the apple can be relegated to cleansing the palate after my wakeup rollup cigarette, and the remaining grapefruit juice thats left after I thirstily opened a new liter carton and drank it to the last but one guzzle, that is for my breakfast repast (to be dried beef seasoned with salt and black pepper and on this end a little pinch of dried, cured and detoxified fly agaric mushrooms for a wunderbar hit of concentrated  uber-umaminess followed on by tasty fresh pink and blue sugar-topped ring donuts, moist and yummy and with sprinkles in the opposite color scheme sprinkles ( blue and pink on pink and blue) and some of the lime and lemon cheesecake topped with some citrusy jelly stuff. Biscuit a kindness upon them in truth, after their having lost their eyes in tragic corkscrew flying incidents:P

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2453 on: August 29, 2016, 11:04:47 AM »
iced water
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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2454 on: August 29, 2016, 05:26:05 PM »
*lestat pours QV and her PR-ship a glass of his fudge brownie milkshake instead, squirts some spray cream on top of those too*

And of course leaves one out for the lurvely couldbecousin:)
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Offline Queen Victoria

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2455 on: August 29, 2016, 06:43:57 PM »
I just discovered a couple of years ago that I didn't like whipped cream.  Used to love it, but tastes change.  I'll let Lestat have my share.

Sounds yummy.  You've put the notion of something cold and colder in my mind.  Darn you.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

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Offline Lestat

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2456 on: August 29, 2016, 07:57:44 PM »
If you want something colder than ice in the drink, and/or surrounding the vessel the drink is to be held in can manage.. (I'll gladly eat the whipped cream of course)

Do you have any antifreeze, or methylated spirits, ? or acetone (nail varnish remover will do it)? (not for drinking, obviously, for the cryo bath)

If you do I can help you out with a freezing mixture recipe, and if you do not, you can still use an external cooling bath with ice and salt, a solid squirt of washing up liquid MIGHT help too, by disrupting hydrogen bonding in the water of the ice and lowering MP, allowing it to do so faster, and more rapidly cooling down the drink to a lower temperature. Always better to cool it in a preliminary manner in the fridge or freezer first and then use such chaotropic mixtures for cooling, so that the freezing mixture does not have to work so hard at bringing whatever it is down the gap between room temperature and just above zero'C and that entropy can be used better for sub-zero temperatures.

And for future reference, order some CaCl2 (calcium (II) chloride) on ebay, big pots, cheap as dirt, as its pretty handy for such freezing mixtures, and it can be recycled too by just evaporating the water from the mixture (especially if its simply methylated spirits and H2O, then baking it off again, ammonium salts, particularly sulfate and nitrate can also be used, and ammonium sulfate is commonly used as fertilizer at garden stores, at least here, so its cheap in bulk.  The nitrate will decompose if it gets too hot btw, into various NOx gases, so its not as easily recyclable, and IIRC AN is somewhat hygroscopic (absorbs H2O from the air)

Ethylene glycol or diethylene glycol antifreeze/methylated spirits mixture makes a top notch freezer though, used by first putting the drink vessel into the bath, adding ice packed round it, then some water to help heat conduction initially and skimp on the amount of meths and antifreeze used, then first pour your salts, CaCl2, common salt makes an easy mix, all over the ice, followed by pouring a mixture of antifreeze and meths or and acetone (nail varnish remover is a cheap way to do it, although some are ethyl acetate based, should work fine but acetone DOES make good freezing mixtures however. And of course its OTC, although large cans of 'tone are available online easy enough.) liberally over the ice. A mixture of larger ice cubes and crushed or powdered up ice unfreezes even faster, imparting that entropy to your drink.

Can get down with some mixtures like that right down to about -30something degrees C with the right technique, and good conduction and logistical arrangements in bath design. So its capable of efficiently shock-cooling drinks, or even shock-freezing the kind of ice-pops you buy unfrozen in boxes and then usually put in the freezer and wait. Handy for making ice lollies too when one isn't say, condensing sulfur dioxide, anhydrous ammonia (a few degrees colder is needed but once liquified, its a good way to help lower losses and KEEP it liquid whilst working with it) or helping keeping chlorine liquid, once it has been liquified by means of dry ice/acetone bath in a dry ice condenser, to save on dry ice needed, esp. smaller amounts of liquid Cl2.

So its quite simple to get down to pretty unshabby moderately low temperatures using those kinds of chaotrope mixtures (by moderately low, do remember to bear in mind that from my viewpoint, I have a quite different take on what is moderate and what is low, to many folk lol:P

Remember of course that you can't get LIQUID water based drinks below 0'C unless alcoholic, as EtOH lowers freezing point, and to be careful with strong spirit so as not to get an ice burn in the throat, from severely sub-zero OVER-cryo'ed (for the bodys liking that is) spirits.  Its great for getting them nice and supercold from a drinking point of view but less than frostbite-inducing, heh. And whats more it is fantastic for doing so QUICKLY from room temp or fridge temp, to nice and frosty.

Better living through chemistry :) (and physics in this case):)
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Offline Queen Victoria

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2457 on: August 29, 2016, 09:05:27 PM »
As soon as I've taught myself calculus, I'll get on the cooling lessons.

(Yes, I AM teaching myself calculus.  I hope to make it out of the introductory algebra chapters sometime this winter.  Irrational numbers threw me for a loop until I half-understood them.  At least enough to get out of those sections of the books.)
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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2458 on: August 30, 2016, 12:06:26 AM »
^How come, QV?

Drinking coffee. Wonderful black strong coffee.
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Offline Lestat

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2459 on: August 30, 2016, 04:42:55 AM »
Even ice/salt over the top in a pan part full of water (water level rises slowly as the ice melts of course, so bear that in mind when putting it anywhere) and then some meths or antifreeze or nailvarnish remover makes for a good simple but quite effective coolant system, with everything available OTC.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.