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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2370 on: June 17, 2016, 10:42:45 AM »
iced sun tea sweetened with lipton pure leaf.
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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2371 on: June 17, 2016, 02:24:15 PM »
Lagunitas Pale Ale
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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2372 on: June 17, 2016, 02:33:33 PM »
Red wine!    8)
"Some books are to be tasted.  Others to be swallowed.  And some few to be chewed and digested."  --Sir Francis Bacon

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2373 on: June 26, 2016, 06:00:26 AM »
Ether. And before, some crappy WKD cherry (I think it was meant to be cherry anyhow.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2374 on: June 26, 2016, 06:01:48 AM »
Haven't yet CBC.  I really must do tomorrow.

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2375 on: June 26, 2016, 02:52:55 PM » probably need to give me a good spanking CBC.

I must say I've neglected watching it, although for the part reason that I had duties to pursue. And had been for a few days feeling shit till some corticosteroid kicked in, and allowed me to regrow the soles of my *feet once again *winces*

Yegad, distilling those two batches of ethers was torture, standing up by the still pot, but spent several days resorting to outright victorian medicine (literally, I got the doses for diethyl ether from some old medical books of mine, big, heavy leatherbound things, with ink-marbled introductory pages and the edges of the paper, titled 'the household physician', these are from the 1800s  when ether, chloroform, paraldehyde (god never ever ever go there shit fuck christ do not even go near paraldehyde, its the trimer of acetaldehyde, the tetramer being the poisonous metaldehyde used in slug pellets. Acetaldehyde being
vile stinking toxic shit to boot, the stuff in small quantities produced as an alcohol metabolite of ethyl alcohol, paraldehyde melts plastic even worse than the otherwise fantastic drug chlormethiazole, which is great stuff just a pain to handle, as its an absolute certifiable swine of a nightmare to form salts from, I don't bother and like one of the two clinical forms, just use the base, but paraldehyde is terrible, utterly awful shite from the foulest pits of tartarus. Noxious stuff, and IMO only marginally more acceptable to the human frame than metaldehyde and acetaldehyde. Ick!...never again) and the then BRAND spanking shiny new chloral hydrate. Which is rough on the stomach to some, and it repeats on one in minty camphoraceous belches. They had the brominated one too, bromal hydrate but warn even then against it and name it beyond redemption more or less, with absolutely nothing to justify its use in favor of chloral.

They've got so many fascinating things in those old books, old remedies containing mercury and arsenicals, antimonial wine and tartar emetic (another antimony based emetic). And used herbals like of all the noxious things they could have chosen, aconite, otherwise known as wolfbane, just about THE deadliest non-fungus organism, bar of course pathogenic microbes that can be found at all in the UK, that isn't being specifically grown by someone. Bar only the lethal water hemlocks (Oenanthe, Circuta, both contain GABAa inverse agonist convulsant and very, very lethal toxins, structurally long-chain polyyne alcohols, utterly unrelated to the paralytic true hemlock, Conium maculata, although Circuta and Oenanthe spp are likewise umbellifers, they are marshy ground loving plants, often growing near fields, and notorious as the roots sometimes get washed up, and one bite is enough to kill a cow.)

I'd love to know how much the books are worth, got some hand-written personal recipe-type notes, all in really old, cursive script from the previous owner, tucked between pages, on various things like making cough syrups, stomach remedies etc. But I very much doubt I'd sell those, as they are in perfect condition bar the likes of aging of the paper, although its of excellent quality. They are without doubt, the pride of my collection of such materials.

And for pain, the only options they had were (I THINK by then) salicylic acid/willow bark, opium, aconite (fucking in-extremis or WHAT!!!!!!!) and a few other simple anodynes. I think by then they may have isolated the morphia from its plant progenitor.

Although thanks to the wonders of simple chemistry, we now have the rather tasty diacetylmorphine, and other lesser known 3,6-diacylated morphine derivatives, and other phenanthrene morphinan type opioids. Although I am, myself, much more of a fan of 3,6-dipropionylmorphine, its got longer, much longer legs, hours longer. Faster onset via IV or if the freebase is mixed with a little caffeine to permit its intake via smoking (vaporization, strictly speaking, one does not wish to use a direct flame on heroin or its relatives, its somewhat heat sensitive, the reason for its admixture with the caffeine, in mind you quantities of caffeine far smaller than are active as stimulants, the decomposition of it provides a protective atmosphere in the immediate local microenvironment in which the heroin or other similar opiate is undergoing heating to vaporise it for inhalation so as to inhibit oxidation and retard the process of decomposition, rendering it properly fit for a toot.

Just picked up 5x £20 bags of some, it must be said, mighty fine smokable base gear, coming as solid chunky light tan rocks of some mighty nice stuff. Lol I swear...the guy I go through has some kind of sixth sense in that when I am literally, dialling his number, he often rings me asking if I want owt.  RIGHT as I am literally typing a text to him or halfway through inputting his number to bell the guy. And I only pick up H very occasionally, as and when I feel like it. Its odd, its not like I have specific days/times when I am really fancying a blast on the H pipe, toot on the ol' foil. But the last 4-5 times I've been seconds from asking him to meet me, I get a call coming, saving me the phone credit while he's at it:D

And todays stuff has been NICE. Whilst having to walk to the far side of the city, and back, from and to the city center before getting to see the guy or getting to go home again, today in the drizzling rain, not a shitstorm or anything just generally mangy,  he stopped to do what he sometimes does, and smoke a hit from a crack pipe. Not my thing, although I don't mind, once in a great, great great while, properly cleaned up, thoroughly and multiply rextylized powder cocaine, as long as it is, indeed done using good proper lab technique and not just street coke.but very seldom do I indulge, I have not bought, I would estimate, more than 10g in that and half as many again years probably, when all the cut is considered and the coke properly un-bashed.  I just don't see why other than as a rare treat (and REAL coke when it has indeed been rendered such once more, or extracted from coca leaves available as coca tea then yes, it can indeed be very enjoyable, although to me in moderation.  But it does have to be proper shit, and if it was cut to begin with, and it will be, it always is unless one personally performs or not that I have, supervises, the extraction from coca leaves and its processing to yield proper pure, unfuckedwith cocaine hydrochloride then meh. Yeah, I say fucking yes! I  AM one fussy sonofabitch when it comes to coke, if I am to indulge in it. And no, I will not apologise  for being of such standards, or for that matter consider it an  admission or confession for such implies fault. I want it clean enough to well nigh satisfy a damn surgeon. And that goes a thousandfold more to that pernickety-ness if the coke is to be used via the intravenous route, which is, after the first couple of lines, the way it is truly fulfilling its potential, or when mixed with a strong IV opioid, morphine sulfate, or de-codeine-ized opium refined to an IV-able concentrated alkaloid isolate, being my personal pref. for a speedball.

No coke today, not bothering and haven't in years. But just shot a bag of that lovely quality smack base, PH-adjusted back with dilute acetic acid to give me the acetate salt, and render it soluble in water (H freebase is not, and the salts are not suitable for smoking as they decompose rather than turn into that lovely big fat cloud of diamorphine vapor all the better to fill your lungs with.
And at first I thought hey, this isnt doing much, fucking tolerance and damn chronic pain but only for a few seconds before going from this isn't enou....oohhhhhhh  MMMmmmmmmmhhh thats niiiiicceeeee ^_^
and starting to nod off. Lurrvely gear he got me today. Felt it properly after just a couple of big fat smokes from the pipe after picking up with my guy, and although he hadn't asked, I decided to double the size of the bag I was buying him anyway to say thankyou for the quality and the fat servings of the skag. Predictably enough he did not say no. Although the only thing he had ASKED me for, was to buy him a big bag of his favourite kind of popcorn from a shop he got barred from. Which I did. He even said take the money for it out of what I was going to give him for his TY bag of dope. Insisted on it in fact. I did, but then after finding out how nice the brown was, went and doubled the side of his wrap for him. That, he didn't say no to lol:P

Not that I expected he would, although thought it possible he may, even, knowing him. Despite being homeless, he's a nice guy, gone out of his way in fact to treat me decently, I do so to him, not prejudiced against him for being homeless, but while getting to know him as a mate, he'd insist I held on to his mobile phone as a piece of security against the money he held of mine to make my purchase from his dealer, worth considerably more than what at the time I was buying. Could easily have tried to run away on me if he had chosen to do so. I'd have killed him where he stood had he done it, although I never actually said anything of the sort. I just wouldn't tolerate being stolen from, and yes, he'd have died for it had he attempted to fuck me over. But no, not even when theres £100-150 of mine in his pocket, or the resulting bags of gear, he never tried dipping into them, never has since either. Although now I don't bother keeping his phone or anything. So year, decent, honorable guy, done his best also to attempt to shield me from any potential such behavior from others. I'm perhaps not the obvious kind of customer for that market, so he's done his best for me, really has treated me with a lot of consideration.

And has been faultless in his honesty in his dealings with me. Although I've got a lot worse up my sleeve IF I am wronged, than I look like the type to. I do not START  trouble for people, without having been treated wrongfully, but if I am, then I won't take it either.

*gulps down one glass of elderflower and white grape juice sparkling water taken from the fridge, icy cold and most delightfully refreshing*

*pours himself another one, pops in a straw and sips, savouring every droplet, for 'tis mighty  delicious* *pours a big one for couldbe and offers her a toot on his loaded gear pipe, so long as she treats Lestat and his property with due respect, and squeezes affectionately*

Kommen sie hier meine fraulein, sie stoff ist wunderbar:)

along with a couple of then brand new sedative-hypnotics, sulfonal, trional and tetronal, no longer used as in prolonged use they cause some kinda drug induced toxic porphyria, although not in acute use. Those I have yet to sample, for they have
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2376 on: June 26, 2016, 03:04:10 PM »
"Some books are to be tasted.  Others to be swallowed.  And some few to be chewed and digested."  --Sir Francis Bacon

"Civilization exists by geologic consent.  Subject to change without notice."  --Will Durant

Offline Lestat

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2377 on: June 26, 2016, 05:07:32 PM »

I'd rather enjoy another glass of diethyl ether, on the rocks.

But that is not a luxury I can currently permit myself to afford myself, because I am having a rolly, cooking a bag of brown with a little (very dilute) AcOH, and this stuff is kinda chunky, rocky in consistency, needs squashing first with the end of a screwdriver handle in the wraps, before transferring the pulverized brown to a spoon, adding a little acid to the dope, as its freebase like most UK skag is, for the smokers on the streets who of course do not possess such luxuries as PH testing, clean, analytical grade hydrochloric, or good reagent grade acetic acid, bicarb yes, but the shooters just add citric and have done with it afaik, nor it seems are even pipes common. Hell my guy didn't even know about smoking it other than off of aluminium foil with a straw to inhale the vapor. Let alone saving the portion of an individual toot for collection and later isolation and re-use subsequent to purification some, by having oneself a small portion of dry isopropyl (available in some pharmacies OTC albeit not cheaply as IPA SHOULD fucking be!)
by exhaling through another straw (or better yet a glass tube, which then after much vapor passes through its bore, becomes coated in a layer of recondensed brown. The secondary straw and IPA are for blowing out, into a little bit of the isopropyl, through the straw or glass tubing, it dissolves in the IPA, the bit your lungs cant hold despite taking a deep, deep long toke and holding it in like it was one's last breath upon this earth, and after a while enough is recycled into the isopropanol to then be evaporated leaving you with that same portion of heroin that each breath otherwise one would simply have wasted by blowing out.

Or a far cruder way more applicable to street use, would be to blow your tokes back out through your tooting appliance, be it a drinking straw or a glass piece and point the end towards a cooler region of your foil where its lossy but less lossy than nothing done to recondense and recycle. Basic crude as hell application of the coldfinger principle, that requires nothing a smoker of heroin living or existing upon the streets does not, if they have indeed the means to smoke their smack in the first place, is not already using. I broke a burette, a while back, accidentally but I saved a goodly length of the tubing that didn't break. So I think I'll take to the toolshed and whip out the brazing torch and blow both myself and my contact for the H a brand new shiny borosilicate glass heroin pipe, of my own efficient design. Whilst I don't YET have a full on glass blowing set of equipment, like non-stick carbon paddles and other stuff like cutting shears etc specifically for glassblowing I can nevertheless still blow good pipes, even in boro.

These won't break due to thermal shock and the one will unless broken by dropping it etc. last him as long as he wishes it to do so. And its not a gift that is at all costly, so I have no reason at all not to bestow it upon him, afterall he has earned my gratitude, just for the way he goes out of his way to be helpful in respects other than simply the obtaining of the goods, he's been more generous than really he is in a position to freely afford, and he has been scrupulous in his honest conduct towards me, done things like knowing I have a crap sense of spatial awareness/direction finding, made sure to walk me back from the other side of the city where I do not know the area until I am right the way to getting myself home. He doesn't have any obligation to do that for me, or to take his time to make sure nobody of a scumbag nature he knows of even gets the chance to interact with me, beyond perhaps nodding at us, or saying 'alright' in walking past. He doesn't even give them the chance to speak with me, not me with them but them with me, and warns me if theres a piece of ambulant dog waste coming towards us. Warned me several times 'don't say a word to this guy, he's a fucking scumbag' before he himself had to speak with them for some reason. I could hear everything said, but he was going out of his way to make sure the chancers, the turds and the shitbags were not given the time of day in which to attempt to rip me off, and warning me of thieving types etc. Might make him a new crack pipe too. I don't smoke the stuff myself, I have tried it a handful of times but that was merely in the spirit of exploring new sensory modalities and experiences. I never bought it from the street. Guy  did share a little piece of his rock with me too, and asked of me nothing in return.

Drinking now, cold mango juice, having finished that scrumptious (just like her couldbeness:)) nonalcoholic white grape juice/elderflower combination.

Hm...I've still got something different, some elderflower cordial syrup, got a few drinks worth of it left, I think I shall experiment with it and see how it goes with the mango juice. Its great on its own too, the elderflower cordial, diluted with icy, icy ice'd cold water served on the rocks. Not alcoholic, just a real thick sugary syrup, with concentrated extract of elderflowers. I love it, going to buy more tomorrow when I go to pick up my scripts, as the pharmacy I fill them at is right next to the store that sells the cordial. But for now, I'll have it both ways, after I've had another pull on the pipe I'm using right now, CBF doing the glassblowing right this moment when  its past midnight, after that is, I do the now dissolved properly, prepped and filtered shot of H.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2378 on: June 26, 2016, 05:28:18 PM »
 :laugh:  We know that you hate red wine!    :laugh:  I love it!   Enjoy what you enjoy!   And I will enjoy what I enjoy!  Seriously, you remind me of another person who seemed hell bent on ruining my enjoyment of a certain thing!   Now, it's time to toast Lestat with another glass of red wine!  Cheers!    :zoinks:
"Some books are to be tasted.  Others to be swallowed.  And some few to be chewed and digested."  --Sir Francis Bacon

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2379 on: June 26, 2016, 11:16:17 PM »
Oh I am glad you enjoy it.

And I hate ALL wine. Red, white, champaign, sparkling, never tasted rose but sure as shit will never be buying a bottle to find out.
I loathe brandy too, it seems like any alcoholic beverage derived from grapes is to my palette, loathsome.

You go and make sure you DO enjoy it. Toast me by all accounts, feel free, just so long as I do not have to drink any myself.

I just toasted you with a bag of heroin. And if I have any left, I think I'll..toast (not that flames are coming anywhere NEAR it!) a shot of ether.

For some reason though, even though the taste has something in common with wine wine, I do like cherry wine. And theres a cherry beer that tastes like a very full bodied red wine, delirium tremens, its called, likely as not because its bloody strong. Very much stronger than conventional beers or those bum-beer type thingies..err forget the name of them, but they are basically just canisters of 10-12 percent ethanol mixed with something that comes from grain and is by percentage, aqueous. special brew type stuff. Tastes like bog cleaner probably does, if that good, but it does indeed do what it doesn't say on the label 'get you pissed quick if you buy me'. All the class of a brick to the face, and pretty similar effects.

The cherry beer though that was good stuff, surprised me that it tasted like it did, and shocked me utterly, that I LIKED it. Same with cherry wine. This being actually made from dark red cherries, but no grapes whatsoever. And I was drinking a really nice white grape juice and elderflower, although nonfermented, nonalcoholic, that is really nice and I wish I remembered where I got it, bottle has been in the fridge waiting for me to run out of bubblegum soda, good beer until I got thirsty.

Whilst it doesn't pay, as the stuff in large quantities, its LOVELY with the saline hangover cure/laxative based upon magnesium sulfate, citric acid and NaHCO3, mixed in with it, because of how electrolytes are sensed by the body as very refreshing, inducing the person to seek out vital salts. Better living through chemistry and biohacking. Tuned my soft drink to maximum refreshment potential, and made it nice and s
sparkling too via the CO2 release.  Ahh thats it, Andrew's salts its called, available in pharmacies for a couple of pounds a pot.

But, I'll raise my pipe and give it a torching to your enjoyment:)

*takes the formerly out of sight and mind remaining H from the kitchen and takes the biggest, most thoroughly walloping great hit that his lungs can physically hold, after first taking 10 deep deep breaths of air only, then expiring as forcefully as can be managed, to empty lungs of air, but leaving blood oxygenated so as to be able to hold it longer, and keeps it deep down there until hypercapnia supervenes and forces expiration, BARELY making it two feet to pick up the vial of isopropanol with a straw in it, for expiring tokes down into, so as to recycle the H that otherwise would be lost as smoke.*

Here's to your having a nice as glass of wine as possible! enjoy mate and have a fucking good night. I am. MMMfuckkdammnnn that really knocked me sideways dizzy for a few there, got a 1cm wide or so puddle of bubbling, boiling diacetylmorphine base there, chasing it around as it tries to flee the heat from the lighter flame held indirectly to it, underneath the smoking apparatus.

*proffers the pipe, the lighter and the dragon to chase* :) do feel free, for I shall be picking up my meds before this even begins to wear off, whereupon morphine shall be propionylated, some strong fresh ground coffee shall be extracted with ether, acetone or whatever is most suited upon reading up. Never ever ever made SMOKEABLE stuff before, been a shooter really. One doesn't get the immediate blow-your-head-off instant nod rush with smoking, but actually I am warming to it, so to speak. Its kinda nice, especially after reaching a nice contented comfy plasma level with a suitably dosed IV shot, and then  relaxing
with a good playlist of music on, and if felt like, whatever videogame is preferable, and just slowly going for it, over hours rather than just one sudden belt. Well that too to start the fuse burning so to speak, so then its a nice slow contented morning/afternoon/evening/all nighter etc.

Shit...I've been turning into a bloody skag connoisseur lmao, in the sense of technique, pipe design (I like to blow my own glass pieces) And best of all, varying things by tweaking structures of the things put in them. Started out my just having a huge preference for actual opium, refined and acetylated, then propionyl group vs acetyl.

I think today I might try dibenzoyl, and benzoylpropionylmorphine. I've never even read of a report on the web from anyone who's tried either, they definitely won't be inactive. And will be just as easy to work at
as is dipropionylmorphine. Same route, acyl halide /touch of base, solvent wash to clean the base out, would have to add caffeine to toot it, as is done for smokable H.
Hm....I wonder what the result of esterifying oxycodone's keto group, by reacting w/a non-nucleophilic base like Hunig's (diisopropylethylamine) or something like sodium hydride to deprotonate the carbonyl and  arrive at it's enolate, then reaction w/ the usual suspects. Hmmmmmmmm..........
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2380 on: June 27, 2016, 10:52:19 PM »
Coors Light.

Because I have no wine.  :'(

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2381 on: June 28, 2016, 11:28:33 AM »
Unsweetened ice tea!
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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2382 on: June 28, 2016, 12:53:42 PM »
half and half lemonade and iced tea. the tea is unsweetened so the lemonade is less harsh.
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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2383 on: June 28, 2016, 02:49:56 PM »
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2384 on: June 28, 2016, 03:45:01 PM »
Burgundy wine!   8)
"Some books are to be tasted.  Others to be swallowed.  And some few to be chewed and digested."  --Sir Francis Bacon

"Civilization exists by geologic consent.  Subject to change without notice."  --Will Durant