Hate champagne. EW. Anything wine-like or wine based. Although I don't mind cherry wine. Quite liked it when I tried it for the first time recently, after seeing it going in 4-packs of single glass serving bottles for not too much. Currently drinking a raspberry, mango and elderflower vodka slushpuppy. It started life as sorbet, but I let it melt a lot, then slathered the icy chunky slushy blend with concentrated elderflower syrup.
Its delish

Needed to take the filthy sulfurous satan's armpit thiazolylethanol lingering foul taste out of my mouth. The chlorineless analog of chlormethiazole, just needed to use some of that as I can't find my rx chlormethiazole and am out of thionyl chloride, until I get my birthday money. So the next best thing had to suffice, knocked up from vitamins and beer fermentation vessel sterillizer (metabisulfite), quick and dirty like nothing else. The dirty being the taste and smell. But it will have to suffice until I can get to makiwww.intensitysquared.com/index.php/board,37/action,post2.htmlng some chlorobutanol or chloral hydrate.
ertiary alcohols
if you need a hangoverless alcohol substitute, tru tert-amyl alcohol (tertiary pentanol, 2-methyl-butan-2-ol or 2-methyl-2-butanol, its strong, dose is in the few ml range 5ml would hit most people like a stampeding rhino, and its very likely safer than ethanol being a tertiary alcohol it cannot undergo metabolism to nasty aldehydes causing hangovers, succh as acetaldehydes, primary alcohols get turned to aldehydes then the equivalent carbon chain length carboxylic acid, such as isopropanol ends up as acetone, while tertiary alcohols don't get oxidized to such nasty shit as aldehydes, ketones or end up as carboxylic acids, presumably excreted unchanged. I've had amylene hydrate/2-M2B 3-4 times
and I have to say I liked it. Dosed more like GHB/GBL than drinking beverages, a few ml is quite enough
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tert-Amyl_alcohol I've never tried the brominated version of chloral hydrate referred to as 'avertin fluid'on that page, nor do i intend to, some antique medical books, warn about it being awful on the digestive system and to have no redeeming features compared to chloral, and chloral/butyl chloral
Raspberry vodka, which I've spiced up a bit by pouring in and carefully layering elderflower cordial, that comes as a thick, dense sugary syrup.
MMMM/...aaaaHHHHH that really hits the spot! The ice melts slowly, helped a bit from the look of it by the elderflower syrup, and it gets progressively more elderflower-ey as the ice melts and dissolves the syrup. And if one slurps from the top of the ice cubes, it chills just the bit your drinking right then and there. Lovely

But all I can manage to drink it slowly, its so tasty I just want to drain the glass in one big swig. And the glass is about 60-something 'cl
so I'd end up rather drunk if I did. And I want some to savour with the pot noodle I'm making for a near 3 AM snack.
Might do a couple of steaks too, I'm famished.