What an awful thought. Can't eat any veg myself, my entire sensory system rejects them all. Pulses of some sorts, and of course, fungi (and lots of 'em) being the exceptions.
Now where are my shot glasses, I just remembered the bottle of vodka sitting in plain sight. Got myself a decent set while looting a long abandoned house for scrap metal (the copper piping/electrical wiring, window and roofing lead is worth quite a bit if its turned in at the local scrap yard), but found a haul of other good stuff in there, an entire collection of ancient cigarette cards featuring classic cars, which will likely be worth something to some collector, plenty of antique crockery, some silver odds and ends and, oddly, while ripping up floorboards, found a big stash of old PC games on floppy disks buried under them.
Can't find the glasses though anywhere. Had to manage with a bigger glass. Which speeds the process at least, even if it is a bit tricky not to cough when drinking 1/3 of a bottle in one shot

Its often surprising what one can find in derelict/ancient unoccupied housing or skips. I'm always finding lead and copper, looking through a skip a while back, found a 15th-16th century jerusalem cross, solid silver, hallmarked, dated, the works...although it goes too well with my leather trench to sell. Not to mention other stuff of that nature, some other jewelery, antique ivory/silver paper knife (or it could possibly be a page turner, not totally sure), rolex watch, some antique postage stamps, and other stuff besides.
Lol I must have spent hours searching that bugger, eventually the filth turned up, but I persuaded them into just buggering off, as I had all the rubbish neatly piled up, and was busy pulling valuable stuff that really shouldn't be thrown away. Quite surprised I didn't have to shoot off on my bike with bacon in tow, after they realized I had my pockets stuffed full of antique silver and gold

Although they did actually witness me pull some out of a slashed open trash bag which probably helped prove I hadn't just burgled somewhere. As far as I am concerned, if some random person throws stuff in a dumpster, packed in rubbish bags, they wanted rid of it to begin with, so if its worth anything, I'm keeping it.