Becks beer. Bottled, not canned. Always better for beer to be bottled.
A big buggering crate of it, just opened tonight, and we hadn't even finished the last crate of xmas beer. Old man got two of them, I'll likely end up drinking most of them, as he doesn't drink very much (plus I got him a bottle of dark rum as his second xmas gift)
Just gulped down bottle number..err...six, I think, possibly seven, over the last..err...however long it takes for an episode each of family guy and american dad. Going to crack another to sip through the night if I wake up thirsty.
Although time to go piss those out now, after burping up the gas. For some reason beer, and coke, always really make me belch like crazy. An equal volume of coke, vs any other soft fizzy drink, the other drinks might get a burp out of me, with coke, it isn't just guaranteed, but it'll be a BIG one, and at that, the kind of thing that'll rip through the air and make the walls shake. And it'll NEVER come alone, but belch after belch after resounding great bugger of a belch