Author Topic: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)  (Read 72992 times)

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2850 on: October 04, 2017, 01:44:10 PM »
I prefer it  the other way round QV, that way there is something to wash the noodles down with.

ATM, a bottle of cloudy lemonade                         
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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2851 on: October 04, 2017, 02:27:07 PM »
Ever got that feeling that you're trying to teach a dog a card trick?

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2852 on: October 04, 2017, 11:58:53 PM »
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2853 on: October 05, 2017, 09:15:06 AM »
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2854 on: October 23, 2017, 01:37:26 AM »
Diet coke
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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2855 on: October 23, 2017, 08:59:42 AM »
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2856 on: October 23, 2017, 01:53:40 PM »
“To rise, first you must burn.”
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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2857 on: October 23, 2017, 11:14:28 PM »
I think I'll join you in that miss K. Although with a dose of clonidine to stop the caffeine being too over stimulating, and might as well pick now as a time to take my breakthrough pain meds (IR oxy) for the same reason, as good a time as any.

And hey, hopefully it'll dull the infernal stinging in my finger thats been going on throbbing for hours. Was cleaning a pressure-equalized addition funnel earlier and removing it from the flask of sulfuric acid it was attached to, and in doing so, a tiny bit of 98-99% H2SO4 must have gotten onto the place on my finger I cut myself accidentally the other night, sliced myself with the big sharp kitchen knife, not deep, but it kind of sliced off a little round circle of flesh with a glancing cut, very shallow but wider than it is deep. And lets just say that no matter how much you wash it, conc. sulfuric in a cut? I really can't say as I'd recommend it to anybody I didn't strongly dislike. It stings; a lot.

*offers a line of oxy to miss K too :)*
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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2858 on: October 24, 2017, 04:47:11 PM »
No thanks. I don't touch the stuff. Just regular diet coke for me.
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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2859 on: October 24, 2017, 05:20:08 PM »
All the more for me then :P

And its proper coke too, with real sugar not any of that sweetener muck. Sweeteners just don't hit the spot. Its that sugar hit that scratches the itch and is refreshing with real coke or cherry coke. I can't stand the diet shite or the sugarfree/zero stuff, or generally 'lite' drinks. The originals are definitely more refreshing. And IMO its pretty futile on the part of the likes of companies producing 'coke' in any variant; to promote ANY variant as a health-food or even healthY food product in the most miserably tiny, miniscule little insipid squirt of the sort :P

Its COKE, its not MEANT to be HEALTHY, its meant to be TASTY m'dearie, go on, just try and tell me I'm wrong on this one. Its as much 'meant to be' unheathy, acidic and sugary to a dozen fuming buckets of furry fermenting fuck as it is known to be exactly that.

Good for you? my ass it is. But its damned well a pleasant way to be bad for you :P and thats just the way coke ought to be. Although I'd love to try the original formula, as first made, as a medicinal-tonic type beverage, non-depleted coca extract included, if there is any existing quantity anywhere remaining in a potable state. Just for the experience of having tried the ORIGINAL true 'coca-cola' with kola nut and coca leaf extract with all its alkaloid content remaining in it as added. That'd be quite something. Hell I bet the recipe alone would be worth a ton these days. (one can, if careful buy coca leaf online thats got the goodies in it, and it makes a lovely tea, gently stimuating, on an order of magnitude comparable with strong tea, or good coffee but qualitatively very different, and completely different to powder coke, not something that lends itself to an abuse-prone character. and when based makes, the leaf, a nice chew, like chewing tobacco but with coca leaf, added with betel nut shavings and betel-pepper-leaf, the nut as a source of arecoline, a nicotine-like agent, although I haven't personally tasted that, the lead is added as a wrapper, to fold everything up and give it the base of its flavouring.)

I'd quite like to try it the traditional way, with freshly harvested leaf, and coca plants too can be bought as little young'uns in a tube of growth medium, would be great to grow some right from a baby plant to an adult and make the traditiona betel-and-pepper leaf with a little sprinkling of slaked lime, as in calcium hydroxide to base the coca alkaoids and render them absorbable through the oral mucosa, along with a sprinkling of lime juice on the outside, just a little bit for flavour and tangyness. One has to get actual plants though for the coca, living, if one wants to grow it, because apparently the seed of coca plants remains viable for only a very VERY short time period. So cuttings are the method to obtain one and actually have it live.

It is good as the natural (as opposed to powder coke or (ew) 'crack' smoking ) gentle, non-abuse-prone stimulating beverage coca tea especially. But rather than risk losing an order of 'mate de coca' as the dried leaf either in unmodified unpackaged form, just bags of dried leaf, or individual serving-sized coca teabags, which are just what they sound like, Teabags filled with coca leaf and potentially flavourings in place of tea-tea from Camellia sinensis, as the chinese black/oolong/green/white teas come from.

But, I want my own bushes, that  I can pick it fresh from and just roll it up, sprinkle with a litttle Ca(OH)2 and then chew. Or add a little lime juice (fruit lime, the citrus fruit rather than slaked lime, Ca(OH)2 that is ) if making tea to assist in its extraction into the hot water used to make the tea. Nice and enlivening, and not excessively or over-stimulating.
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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2860 on: October 24, 2017, 09:46:13 PM »
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2861 on: October 25, 2017, 01:31:37 AM »
Sugary dark carbonated drink of the gods, although sadly not QUITE as it shoud be. Could do with a gram or so a liter of a certain other ingredient, but buggered if I want to do the work and pay for that expense when there are so many more deserving things to spend my money on.

And some rhubarb and custard milkshake too, for a balanced liquid snack on waking, before I have to take my meds etc. first a morning light snack that pourable down the hole in my neck. and to wake up to a cigar, whilst I find where I was at in my downloaded ebook copy of a book on electrochemistry.
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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2862 on: October 26, 2017, 04:54:37 PM »
Diet coke
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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2863 on: November 27, 2017, 05:20:59 PM »
Real coke.
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Re: what are you drinking right now? (pt2)
« Reply #2864 on: August 22, 2018, 09:27:36 AM »