If you want something colder than ice in the drink, and/or surrounding the vessel the drink is to be held in can manage.. (I'll gladly eat the whipped cream of course)
Do you have any antifreeze, or methylated spirits, ? or acetone (nail varnish remover will do it)? (not for drinking, obviously, for the cryo bath)
If you do I can help you out with a freezing mixture recipe, and if you do not, you can still use an external cooling bath with ice and salt, a solid squirt of washing up liquid MIGHT help too, by disrupting hydrogen bonding in the water of the ice and lowering MP, allowing it to do so faster, and more rapidly cooling down the drink to a lower temperature. Always better to cool it in a preliminary manner in the fridge or freezer first and then use such chaotropic mixtures for cooling, so that the freezing mixture does not have to work so hard at bringing whatever it is down the gap between room temperature and just above zero'C and that entropy can be used better for sub-zero temperatures.
And for future reference, order some CaCl2 (calcium (II) chloride) on ebay, big pots, cheap as dirt, as its pretty handy for such freezing mixtures, and it can be recycled too by just evaporating the water from the mixture (especially if its simply methylated spirits and H2O, then baking it off again, ammonium salts, particularly sulfate and nitrate can also be used, and ammonium sulfate is commonly used as fertilizer at garden stores, at least here, so its cheap in bulk. The nitrate will decompose if it gets too hot btw, into various NOx gases, so its not as easily recyclable, and IIRC AN is somewhat hygroscopic (absorbs H2O from the air)
Ethylene glycol or diethylene glycol antifreeze/methylated spirits mixture makes a top notch freezer though, used by first putting the drink vessel into the bath, adding ice packed round it, then some water to help heat conduction initially and skimp on the amount of meths and antifreeze used, then first pour your salts, CaCl2, common salt makes an easy mix, all over the ice, followed by pouring a mixture of antifreeze and meths or and acetone (nail varnish remover is a cheap way to do it, although some are ethyl acetate based, should work fine but acetone DOES make good freezing mixtures however. And of course its OTC, although large cans of 'tone are available online easy enough.) liberally over the ice. A mixture of larger ice cubes and crushed or powdered up ice unfreezes even faster, imparting that entropy to your drink.
Can get down with some mixtures like that right down to about -30something degrees C with the right technique, and good conduction and logistical arrangements in bath design. So its capable of efficiently shock-cooling drinks, or even shock-freezing the kind of ice-pops you buy unfrozen in boxes and then usually put in the freezer and wait. Handy for making ice lollies too when one isn't say, condensing sulfur dioxide, anhydrous ammonia (a few degrees colder is needed but once liquified, its a good way to help lower losses and KEEP it liquid whilst working with it) or helping keeping chlorine liquid, once it has been liquified by means of dry ice/acetone bath in a dry ice condenser, to save on dry ice needed, esp. smaller amounts of liquid Cl2.
So its quite simple to get down to pretty unshabby moderately low temperatures using those kinds of chaotrope mixtures (by moderately low, do remember to bear in mind that from my viewpoint, I have a quite different take on what is moderate and what is low, to many folk lol:P
Remember of course that you can't get LIQUID water based drinks below 0'C unless alcoholic, as EtOH lowers freezing point, and to be careful with strong spirit so as not to get an ice burn in the throat, from severely sub-zero OVER-cryo'ed (for the bodys liking that is) spirits. Its great for getting them nice and supercold from a drinking point of view but less than frostbite-inducing, heh. And whats more it is fantastic for doing so QUICKLY from room temp or fridge temp, to nice and frosty.
Better living through chemistry

(and physics in this case)