Likewise. Coke about 10-15 minutes ish ago, just been out to buy more beer and baccy. And some banana milk. I've been craving those yazoo milkshakes of late, drank loads of chocolate ones, so I figured I would have a big bottle of the banana one. IMO they need to do a vanilla one as well.
Now time to have one of the 4-pack of carling lager I just bought and stretch out on my bed with a rollup. My pipe really needs cleaning. It gets pretty revolting after its been smoked a whole bunch of times, and hard to clean, as its a 1-piece glass pipe that can't be disassembled for cleaning. I use base bath to clean it out though (an alcoholic solution of sodium or potassium hydroxide in MeOH or isopropanol) which works a treat. Not stuff you want to spill on your skin though, its fantastic for burning off organic material from glassware, and works well on glass pipes, but valuable, tender autie flesh can be considered 'organic material' for that sort of purpose

Time for a nice cold beer.