I am misogynistic. I've never hidden that. I've also never hidden that it is mostly based on resentment and not logic.
No , but do you think that by holding onto these views your situation will improve?
I think judging men and women is different than judging blacks and whites.
Sexism is still discrimination as is racism , therefore there is no difference in making assumptions about the collective group (in this case women)
The biological differences between men and women are far greater than those of different races. I wouldn't say "all blacks are this," but I could say, "statistically blacks are more likely to be arrested for crimes in the USA." You don't have to jump to racism over that fact, although many do.
Yes but you have not said "statistically" you have said that all women are like such such and you have based it on one woman which isn't even true about her.
Your logic is very very flawed.
So all these women you know: they all go out with meek nerds right? They have one night stands with guys hanging out at GameStop? Nothing turns them on more than a guy who is nervous and looks at his shoes the whole time?
You are looing at this very very black and white.
All women do not go for one type of guy , all women go for
different types of guys , some women find dominant men sexy somnd about women find nervous guys sexy some like a bit of both.
If you drop the all or nothing kind of view you will be able to see what I am trying to say , life isn't just black or white it's black white and about 100 different shades of grey.
Also these women you know: they are not a full focus group. They are a few women who bond over common features. They may all be atypical of their gender.
Not at all , I think you are basing all of your knowledge about women on one person following a negative experience , that is not a wise thing to do.. do you not think?
You have yet to back up your claims. I posted some links if you didn't see. Sure, it is all, "general knowledge," and not facts - but unfortunately we don't have large amounts of statistical data to draw from.
I have backed my claims many times , you have posted links claiming them to be relevant and I have shot them down each time but you want more evidence?.. ok sure.
Here is a newspaper article claiming that women are attracted to geekier men rather than the men you claim
they are attracted to:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1251929/The-perfect-man-geek-facial-stubble--womens-secret-turn-ons-revealed.htmlHere is a womans checklist of the ideal man thrugh differing ages , does it mention at any age she wants a cocky arsehole as a partner?
http://allwomenstalk.com/my-idea-of-my-ideal-man/And don't bring up the "women lie abut what they want" you have no clue about what women want and have no logical way of proving so.
And thus all of this will always be conjecture. No matter who wins it doesn't prove a goddamn thing.
It does actually , it proves you are speaking out of resentment and therefore your opinions are biased , unlogical and therefore not really worth listening to.
Finding the right balance of acceptable social mannerisms and a cool confidence is a tricky proposition. That is why trying to create it artificially is such a hard task. It's like trying to make yourself charismatic. I had a friend who was a big confident asshole, and women hated him. They also hated the shy reticent nice guy. You have to be an alpha male to turn women on, not a psycho and not a loser. If what you say about women is true, that women aren't attracted to assholes - then why are they getting so much more sex than shy-nice-guys?
Again you are falling into black and white thinking.
Being confident is sexy yes.. but don't you think women are going to find a confident yet caring guy far more sexy than a man who is confident but totally selfish?
I can guarrantee you , most women will not find a selfish lover appealing.
As for the assholes getting more sex , I really really doubt that is the case , the shy guys aren't getting any sex probably because they haven't actualy you know.. said "hi" to a woman?
Try speaking to a woman , say hi compliment her etc etc , you can be charismatic and charming you know.
Eris is relevant to this conversation, in my eyes, because she has reshaped my ideas and philosophy. I now love to hate. I will never trust again. And I understand cruelty is the only true pleasure.
Your philosophy is flawed.
Hatred brings only one thing , misery and pain , not to other , to you.
You'll love it for a while and then it'll hurt and it will continue to hurt , you can pretend that you are as de-sensitised as much as you like but no one escapes their emotions and feelings forever.
And sorry, I assumed you were female because you took this so personally.
I take it personally for two reasons.
1. Your assumptions about women are unfair , unjustified and totally incorrect.
2. It's not going to help you , I can tell you want to meet a woman at some point in your life.. what I am trying to prove here is if you change your outlook you will have SO much greater success.
Oh and the borderliner psychotic personality isn't really going to do you any favours either I guess. 
I love when people online diagnose other people with mental disorders.

I think you misunderstood me Emile.
That was an offhand comment relating to some of the things Pig has said , I'm sure he isn't really psychotic but merely saying these things for attention , sorry if it seemed like I was diagnosing him though.
Also , could you keep your comments to the peanut gallery please? , it makes this less cluttered , thank you.