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I call out Pig.
« on: February 13, 2012, 07:12:43 PM »
Hello Pig.

I noticed you claimed this in a thread:

Ah but women don't want to be treated nicely.  They tell you that, but they don't mean it.  They only respect a dominant male who rules them with an iron fist.  The alpha male.

You have not posted anything to back this claim , what you are making is a very controversial statement... if you are going to make them be prepared to back them up.

Sorry, women lie to themselves about it. 

I think this is utter rubbish , but can you prove that women lie about it?

they want a man to treat her nice - but then he is "boring."

No , that's usually the guy who's break ups are not poisonous affairs and who actually has a happy relationship.

I know plenty of men on here who are amazing men to their spouses Sir Les , Parts , Schleed... the list goes on... do you mean to tel me these women would be happier with husbands / partners who treated them like shit and are steadily growing bored of men who treat them well?

This is bullshit , but that is your claim so please back that up.

They are much more attracted to the guy who walks into a room like a strutting cock, tooting his own horn about how confident he is.

Typical rejected male thought process.

Actually many of those men are regarded as "arseholes" and are not touched but mocked... having often been in a friend ring primarily composed of girls and women.. I can promise you this is the case.

He makes you think you must be pretty damn special if he will "let" you come home with him.  Just look up any PUA site, this is tried and true information.

Not really , ever heard of one night stands?

That's all that arsehole will get , and that is not going to sustain him forever.

The alpha male is the one that gets all da pussy*.  Omegas like me, weaklings, disgust women.  That's just human nature.

Pussy in a short term sense.
But what is mere sex without a relationship? , pretty empty if you ask me.

Also , men like you probably disgust women because of your blatent misogyny and untruthful assumptions.. maybe if you drop that you might actually attract a decent woman?

Oh and the borderliner psychotic personality isn't really going to do you any favours either I guess.  :tickle:

Older women realize they can't have fun with "bad boys" anymore, so they look for Mr Dependable to take care of them financially.  Doesn't mean they won't fuck the pool-boy if they get a chance.

Bad boys are boring , they're nice eye candy yes of course and I do like a bad boy in the looks department.
But as for a longterm relationship? , nah give me a caring , faithful man anyday not a cocky little boy.  :thumbup:

I know this is misogynistic and stereotyping - but I see little evidence in life to the contrary.

I see a lot of evidence actually
Having actually held a conversation with many women before it's not hard to figure out.

*This is backed up by data btw.  I just don't have the link right now.  But studies show that, on average, a select few men have like 30 sexual partners, while the majority of men have like 6.  The average for women has about 12, so it is pretty obvious what is happening. (these numbers aren't accurate, they are just used to convey the basic idea of the data)

I call bullshit , post the link please.
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

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Re: I call out Pig.
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2012, 07:57:31 PM »
Okay, I'll take it.  Whatever.  I'll lose but I won't change my mind.  Just because you are better at arguing and more popular doesn't mean you are right.

And yeh, I'm talking about cheap dirty sex.  I don't give a fuck about relationships.  I'm talking about base instinctual attraction.  Women are attracted to power.

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Re: I call out Pig.
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2012, 08:01:18 PM »

This whole sub culture is based around exploiting psychological needs of women.  The sad part is it works.  Act confident, take control, don't do everything she says, etc etc etc...

Offline Squidusa

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Re: I call out Pig.
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2012, 08:18:40 PM »
Okay, I'll take it.  Whatever.  I'll lose but I won't change my mind.  Just because you are better at arguing and more popular doesn't mean you are right.

Not necessarily.

I'm not all that great at arguing , but I want to see exactly where this comes from , popularity won't mean shit here and tbh I doubt I'm all that popular with people right now.  :laugh:

BUT I do think I am right in saying what you are saying about ALL women is not fiar nor is it right , I'm sure it is true about some women , but generalisations are NEVER true.

And yeh, I'm talking about cheap dirty sex.  I don't give a fuck about relationships.  I'm talking about base instinctual attraction.  Women are attracted to power.

Again another generlisation , can you prove this?


This whole sub culture is based around exploiting psychological needs of women.  The sad part is it works.  Act confident, take control, don't do everything she says, etc etc etc...

Having browsed that forum briefly , I also see they advocate being respectful and polite towards women

say "hi"
and give a smile to every woman who passes you by, and who is next to
you, and who is in front of you, or whatever. The smile doesn't have
to be this big cheesy grin, but whatever is your normal, comfortable
way of smiling. {Any kind of smile shows you're not depressed, nor
someone to be afraid of.}

Doing nothing else but giving a simple smile and "hi" to everyone,
you come back here on Monday and tell me that not one woman stopped
dead in her tracks to say some things to you after you did nothing more
then smile and say "hi".

A simple smile and "hello" to everyone. Cost nothing, takes no time,
won't hurt anyone. Yet I'll bet most of you will rationalize out
some reason(s) why you can't do this, and/or it's not good, and/or all
kinds of other things, and then come back here looking for that magical
pill advice, that will bring you all the women you want.

I just gave you the "magical pill" advice. If you can't or won't say
"hi" to everyone with a smile (so they quickly see they have nothing to
be afraid of), 

This source does not

A. Mention exploiting a woman
B. Advocate usage of the stereotype you mention

Please explain how it is relevant to your argument.
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

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Re: I call out Pig.
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2012, 08:34:44 PM »
No not all women are attracted to power.  But by far most are.

When courting the ladies you can be "nice," but you can't be weak.  Assholes can get women even though they are horrible people because they have the most important quality: confidence.

If some pud comes up and asks you to, ''please go back to his hotel and have consensual intercourse,'' the answer is pepper spray to the eyes.  But if Mr Macho struts in, gives a charismatic wink, and gives you a "special feeling" you will forget your inhibitions and go fuck him.  That's what ladies are most attracted to.  Confidence and power.  This is not a new idea.

Danny Devito could go out and get 20 year olds to suck him off with ease.  Because he has 'power.'  People with money can get almost the same amount.  And of course confidence is a must.  Women must be controlled, they have to know they are subservient to the man.  That is the only way they can feel respect or be turned on.  If women have the power they are disgusted by the man.  He is supposed to protect her and guide her through life.

Young women, who don't question their instincts as much, tend to go for the 'bad boy' or popular guy.  He is exciting, and you get to be a sidekick in his exciting life while you are with him.

Women want the leaders, the alpha males.  They scream for the Beatles or the Devil Wears Prada.  Men like beautiful celebrities, but it is not that emotional/psychological investment.  Women will only want a man if other women think he is desirable.  They have a hard time seeing value in someone that nobody else wants.

Many famous men frequently point to the differences between their old normal lives and celebrity lives in terms of attracting women.  Robert Crumb wrote a lot about that.  Forrest Griffin explained in his book how women would suddenly approach him, having no idea who he was, if another man walked up to him and asked for an autograph beforehand.  Adam Carolla was 30 before he got famous.  Before that he had trouble getting any, but when he became rich and famous ladies were dropping from the sky onto his erect penis.

Yes, this is anecdotal evidence.  But so is first hand experience - and that tends to be more biased.  Unfortuneatly there is not a lot of hard science about this stuff, at least that I know of.  So the topic will remain speculation until proper scientific studies are conducted.  I just believe it because it is what I have observed in the world around me, as objectively and unromantic-ally as I can.

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Re: I call out Pig.
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2012, 08:57:53 PM »
No not all women are attracted to power.  But by far most are.

You are changing track here you referred to women as a collective.
Plus I think this again is incorrect .. post something to back that claim.

When courting the ladies you can be "nice," but you can't be weak.  Assholes can get women even though they are horrible people because they have the most important quality: confidence.

I sincerely doubt that.
and infact I am going to start a poll to disprove this.

If some pud comes up and asks you to, ''please go back to his hotel and have consensual intercourse,'' the answer is pepper spray to the eyes.

But that would be the response to an asshole coming up to you and demanding sex too surely?
You are talking about men who are violent , aggressive and in-considerate.. I'm not seeing how women will fall at their feet?

But if Mr Macho struts in, gives a charismatic wink, and gives you a "special feeling" you will forget your inhibitions and go fuck him.  That's what ladies are most attracted to.  Confidence and power.  This is not a new idea.

No it's a very old outdated and sexist idea.
Try asking women what they like everyone is an individual expecially when it comes to sexual preferences.

Danny Devito could go out and get 20 year olds to suck him off with ease.  Because he has 'power.'  People with money can get almost the same amount.  And of course confidence is a must.

Again that may be true to some but you cannot apply that to all , many women find nervousness and men who are not confidant to be attractive to for example.

  Women must be controlled, they have to know they are subservient to the man.  That is the only way they can feel respect or be turned on.  If women have the power they are disgusted by the man.  He is supposed to protect her and guide her through life.

Outdated , idiotic and chauvanistic.
By your argument Domme's and Dominatrixes cannot possibly exist , which obviously they do.

I think you really need to talk to actual women not your fleshlight for once.

Young women, who don't question their instincts as much, tend to go for the 'bad boy' or popular guy.  He is exciting, and you get to be a sidekick in his exciting life while you are with him.

I can list the women on one hand I know that would do that
I would aso need many more hands to list the women I know that wouldn't do that.

Women want the leaders, the alpha males.  They scream for the Beatles or the Devil Wears Prada.  Men like beautiful celebrities, but it is not that emotional/psychological investment.

Again not all , this is a generlisation you cannot prove.
But can be disproved by actually *talking* to women.

  Women will only want a man if other women think he is desirable.  They have a hard time seeing value in someone that nobody else wants.


Another generlisation , you are making swipes that have very little basis , just mindless assumptions.

Many famous men frequently point to the differences between their old normal lives and celebrity lives in terms of attracting women.  Robert Crumb wrote a lot about that.  Forrest Griffin explained in his book how women would suddenly approach him, having no idea who he was, if another man walked up to him and asked for an autograph beforehand.  Adam Carolla was 30 before he got famous.  Before that he had trouble getting any, but when he became rich and famous ladies were dropping from the sky onto his erect penis.

Well theres a simple answer for that , being famous attracts more attention, therefore more people are going to pay attention.
I don't get how this is related in any shape?

Yes, this is anecdotal evidence.  But so is first hand experience - and that tends to be more biased.  Unfortuneatly there is not a lot of hard science about this stuff, at least that I know of.  So the topic will remain speculation until proper scientific studies are conducted.  I just believe it because it is what I have observed in the world around me, as objectively and unromantic-ally as I can.

First hand experience isn't biased.

If you've never actually held down a conversation with a woman how can you make a fair judgement?
you can't.

Your view isn't objective , in fact it is very very biased and I am more than 100% sure it stems from your own difficulties with relationships and etc , I can understand your bitterness but you realise that unless you let go of these attitudes you will not ever actually meet someone for either a relationship or to have sex with right?

You are right about attitude in a way.

It is important , having the wrong one will REALLY put someone off you , the wrong attitude in this case however is the belief that ALL women only want one thing... oddly enough women are humans too and I can't imagine many of them being too impressed with you assuming all they want is a musclebound dick head.

Think about it , you're doing what you think is going to attract them.. behaving like a misogynistic arsehole.. is it working for you Pig?

Nope, didn't think so.  ;)
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

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Re: I call out Pig.
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2012, 09:10:16 PM »

Okay, let me try to explain myself.

Treating women like shit is PART of equation.  You have to pull it off within the conventional social paradigm.  It is often called, "charisma."

Polls don't prove anything.  Women lie to themselves.  My troll thinks she didn't troll me (or at least she says that).  The facts say she manipulated me, and hurt me for fun.  Just like the facts say that women are more likely to be turned on by power, confidence, and control than nice and sensitive.

Why do Dominatrix's exist anyway?  Oh yeh, to fulfill men's fantasies.  Still servitude, otherwise they would be the ones raping and killing.

When women get interested in a man his lifestyle is very important.  If he's going to high class socializing events, fancy dinners, etc he's much more desirable than someone who stays at home and works at the dump.

I heard a woman on a radio show explicitly say she wants men who are confident, popular, and valued by society.  This is why teenage girls screamed for Leonardo DiCaprio back in the day.

What is my real interaction with women?  Well my troll, eris.  I would have done anything for her, but that's not what she wanted.  She wanted me to dominate her, and it disgusted her that I would try to do it explicitly to please her.

Oh and I have a Tenga Flip Hole*, no Fleshlight yet.

*Guys, don't be a hero, get the regular version.  I got the super tight version, thinking tighter=better, and well....  My Tenga may not live that much longer.   :(

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Re: I call out Pig.
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2012, 09:17:59 PM »
By the way: I know I should find sources to back up my claims, but I am having difficulty conjuring the energy to search the internets for this valuable information.

edit okay i asked google to help me out.  here's all it could do for me in 3 minutes:

Women are extremely turned off by “weak” men.  Women are biologically programmed to be attracted to strong, dominant, and “alpha” men.  For this reason, displaying traits such as shyness, insecurity, neediness, or nervousness quickly make a woman lose attraction towards you.   Women have an intuitive sense of when a man feels “inferior” to her.  Women don’t want a man who feels he is below her.

1. My guess is that the prehistoric female brain evolved to prize the men who could protect and provide, ect, and is pretty much the same way now.
2. Absolutely right...that's why so many women are attracted to cops and men in uniform/armed services. Think Tom Cruise in Top Gun.

Because power is strength and control. Strength and control are the essence of masculinity. It is deeply embedded in their nature for women to be attracted to masculinity.

The question is, why are women attracted to the kinds of power that they are attracted to? Well, this varies from woman to woman. Different women see power in different ways, shapes and forms. Some women might go for the rockstar or the prince, because these women are attracted to a man that has power over the world around him. Other women might go for a more ordinary man who is wise and intelligent, because these women are attracted to a man that has power over the world within himself. Of course, it isn't so black and white, and most women are attracted to a mix between those two kinds of power.

Never listen to what a woman says -- always pay attention to what she actually does instead. The two are quite frequently worlds apart, because women are masters at self-deceit and equally adept at lying to themselves about their own behavior.

Okay.  That was effort.  Hopefully you appreciate it.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 09:26:37 PM by Pig »

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Re: I call out Pig.
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2012, 09:22:43 PM »
Treating women like shit is PART of equation.  You have to pull it off within the conventional social paradigm.  It is often called, "charisma."

But you are implying that ALL women look for that.
Men who treat women like shit often end up alone and miserable.. look at Chris Brown and Rihanna.. did she go back to him?


Polls don't prove anything.  Women lie to themselves.

Just as men lie about their penis sizes and pretend to be things they aren't you mean?
Again , prove that women lie to themselves.

  My troll thinks she didn't troll me (or at least she says that).  The facts say she manipulated me, and hurt me for fun.

Eris is a very caring woman and a very dear friend to me , she did not manipulate you , you said some very unsettling things towards her and got the reaction you deserved , but let's save that for another argument.

Just like the facts say that women are more likely to be turned on by power, confidence, and control than nice and sensitive.

These facts are bullshit , probably written by biased and misogynistic fools.
But if you have these facts out there , please provide them to back yourself up.

Why do Dominatrix's exist anyway?  Oh yeh, to fulfill men's fantasies.  Still servitude, otherwise they would be the ones raping and killing.

Why do they exist?

Because they enjoy the control and power.. they have over a man, there are many MANY submissive straight men out there , many of them having wives and girlfriends... what does that say about your generalisations?

When women get interested in a man his lifestyle is very important.  If he's going to high class socializing events, fancy dinners, etc he's much more desirable than someone who stays at home and works at the dump.

Well yeah , but reverse that around a second... which lifestyle is going to be more attractive to a man?

I heard a woman on a radio show explicitly say she wants men who are confident, popular, and valued by society.  This is why teenage girls screamed for Leonardo DiCaprio back in the day.

You heard one woman that means you heard exactly.....one.

I have heard many straight men say how they are going to fuck loads of bitches etc etc etc (they're usually virgins.. btw) , does that give me a right to assume that all straight men are the same?

What is my real interaction with women?  Well my troll, eris.  I would have done anything for her, but that's not what she wanted.  She wanted me to dominate her, and it disgusted her that I would try to do it explicitly to please her.

I have heard the interactions between you two , and I'm sorry but you have a very very warped perception of things.
Plus even if what you said were true.. Eris is still only *one* woman and is not representative of woman as a whole.

By the way: I know I should find sources to back up my claims, but I am having difficulty conjuring the energy to search the internets for this valuable information.

Ok , but I suggest you find them before making more claims.
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

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Re: I call out Pig.
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2012, 09:40:20 PM »
Why was Rihanna with Chris Brown in the first place?  Oh yeh cause his power was so attractive.  Then she was surprised when he was still such an asshole. Duuuuuuuhhhh

Men lie to themselves.  It's not uniquely feminine.  In the context of sexual attraction though: Men will say they want tits and ass and mean it, while women will say personality, niceness etc.  But what really gets them going is power.

Eris is a piece of shit.  I won the call out so I can say that with immunity.

Men DO like being controlled and dominated sometimes.  But most women hate men who are always submissive in all situations (not just sexual).  A lot of women who dominate men do it for the money, or because they want to please the man.  Maybe they are a little crazy and it makes them feel special and sexy.  The amount who legitimately enjoy it purely for themselves is probably quite low, but I dunno.

I think you can assume most men want the same thing.  If they tell you differently they are probably trying to manipulate you - - or they are old and want companionship more than sexy times.

And I think you don't really know all of what happened between me and eris.  She is really playing up the "I'm above it all" attitude publicly.  But in private she told me she could find out all my dox and put them on 4chan if I didn't do everything she said.  If you saw our private MSN chats you would see that I was too nice during our "relationship."  Me offering to kill her was intensely romantic and caring - NOT a threat.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 09:42:52 PM by Pig »

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Re: I call out Pig.
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2012, 09:56:23 PM »
Why was Rihanna with Chris Brown in the first place?  Oh yeh cause his power was so attractive.  Then she was surprised when he was still such an asshole. Duuuuuuuhhhh

Idk why don't you ask her that instead of making half-assed guesses?
Why don't you ask women in general instead of assuming?

But of course you are the ladies man with an intense knowledge of female psychology.  :santa:

Men lie to themselves.  It's not uniquely feminine.  In the context of sexual attraction though: Men will say they want tits and ass and mean it, while women will say personality, niceness etc.  But what really gets them going is power.

ffs... another generlisation.. starting backing this up and stop with the "everyone is like this" bullshit.

Eris is a piece of shit.  I won the call out so I can say that with immunity.

Given the things you have said , I think you need to look in the mirror before calling another human being a "piece of shit".

and you won nothing.. Eris did not engage you because she does not consider you worth her time.. nothing really to be proud of is it?  :lol:

Men DO like being controlled and dominated sometimes.  But most women hate men who are always submissive in all situations (not just sexual).  A lot of women who dominate men do it for the money, or because they want to please the man.  Maybe they are a little crazy and it makes them feel special and sexy.  The amount who legitimately enjoy it purely for themselves is probably quite low, but I dunno.

The level of female dominants is low YES but.. there are many many men who are submissive.
There have been many studies that have proven women enjoy gentler qualities in men.

Also here is a link from a mens site advocating chivalry to impress women:


I think you can assume most men want the same thing.  If they tell you differently they are probably trying to manipulate you - - or they are old and want companionship more than sexy times.

No , and I think that's an unfair stereotypes.
Stereotypes are unfair and just moronic to stick to.

And I think you don't really know all of what happened between me and eris.  She is really playing up the "I'm above it all" attitude publicly.  But in private she told me she could find out all my dox and put them on 4chan if I didn't do everything she said.  If you saw our private MSN chats you would see that I was too nice during our "relationship."  Me offering to kill her was intensely romantic and caring - NOT a threat.

She said you offering to kill her was not a threat.. in the eyes of the law that is still threatening behaviour.

Do you not see why this would put someone off you? , you are offering / implying physical harm to another human being , doesn't matter how you try to twist it it will never be romantic or caring.
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

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Re: I call out Pig.
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2012, 10:17:04 PM »
It seems like we are already going over the same ground again.

I don't like stereotypes either, but humans are not unique snowflakes.  You can stereotype dogs, or camels, or whatever - but humans are off limits?  Try to be a bit more objective and not so human-centric.

I never said I was an expert on this subject or anything for that matter.  I was just expressing my opinion based on observation and reading about dating and mating rituals - which I am looking at from a distance.  What makes you an expert though?  Because you are a woman?  You speak for all women?  How do you even know yourself???

Okay, I'm a piece of shit.  Happy?  Eris wanted to be "above it all" by not addressing my call-out.  She knew she would win a moral victory anyway since she is already a star at I2.  You can say it was not worth her time, funny how she spent 8 hours a day chatting with me on MSN when she was setting me up.  Now I'm boring, so she won't bother.

Chivalry is another form of power.  It's not asking, "what do you want?  what can I do for you?  you are better than I am!"  It's showing confidence in your control of the situation and fine social manners.

The kill thing.... She cheated on me before that conversation.  She had already decided to break up with me.  No, I don't see how offering to kill someone who fantasizes constantly about being destroyed is wrong.  Obviously it is, but I've been in isolation for a decade - so my social skills might be a little rusty.  Too bad she didn't tell me immediately she didn't want that - oh but the whole relationship was about her telling me lies anyway.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 10:18:43 PM by Pig »

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Re: I call out Pig.
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2012, 10:23:39 PM »
It seems like we are already going over the same ground again.

Indeed , my original request was for you to back your claims , but you have thus far failed to do so.

I don't like stereotypes either, but humans are not unique snowflakes.  You can stereotype dogs, or camels, or whatever - but humans are off limits?  Try to a bit more objective and not so human-centric.

I never said they were , but saying everyone of a certain group is one thing is not right.

Would you say all black people are gangsters?
All gays are queens?
All Jews are bankers?

No? , and why wouldn't you?

I never said I was an expert on this subject or anything for that matter.  I was just expressing my opinion based on observation and reading about dating and mating rituals - which I am looking at from a distance.  What makes you an expert though?  Because you are a woman?  You speak for all women?  How do you even know yourself???

I am not a woman , however I have spoken to plenty of women far more than you have.. you have an outside perspective , one that is very very flawed.

And I never stated to speak for all women , but from my own experiences of having many female friends , that what you are suggesting is utter nonsense , you know what women do about the kinds of guys you talk about?

They mock them.. they bitch them out and mock them , insult their penis size etc etc , it's quite fun to do actually.  :zoinks:

Okay, I'm a piece of shit.  Happy?  Eris wanted to be "above it all" by not addressing my call-out.  She knew she would win a moral victory anyway since she is already a star of I2.  You can say it is not worth her time, funny how she spent 8 hours a day chatting with me on MSN when she was setting me up.  Now I'm boring, so she won't bother.

Try , "now you are acting like a childish , sad little man she won't bother" and you have it about right.  :thumbup:

Chivalry is another form of power.  It's not asking, "what do you want?  what can I do for you?  you are better than I am!"  It's showing confidence in your control of the situation and fine social manners.

Exactly! fine social manners

Confidence is not a bad thing , cockyness is , and this is not a trait many women find attractive , you can be confident and caring at the same time.. and THOSE are the guys that get the women.

The kill thing.... She cheated on me before that conversation.  She had already decided to break up with me.  No, I don't see how offering to kill someone who fantasizes constantly about being destroyed is wrong.  Obviously it is, but I've been in isolation for a decade - so my social skills might be a little rusty.  Too bad she didn't tell me immediately she didn't want that - oh but the whole relationship was about her telling me lies anyway.

This isn't about Eris and you , this is about me calling you out over making misogynstic comments which you cannot back up.
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

Offline Pig

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Re: I call out Pig.
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2012, 10:44:49 PM »
I am misogynistic.  I've never hidden that.  I've also never hidden that it is mostly based on resentment and not logic.

I think judging men and women is different than judging blacks and whites.  The biological differences between men and women are far greater than those of different races.  I wouldn't say "all blacks are this," but I could say, "statistically blacks are more likely to be arrested for crimes in the USA."  You don't have to jump to racism over that fact, although many do.

So all these women you know: they all go out with meek nerds right?  They have one night stands with guys hanging out at GameStop?  Nothing turns them on more than a guy who is nervous and looks at his shoes the whole time?

Also these women you know: they are not a full focus group.  They are a few women who bond over common features.  They may all be atypical of their gender.

You have yet to back up your claims.  I posted some links if you didn't see.  Sure, it is all, "general knowledge," and not facts - but unfortunately we don't have large amounts of statistical data to draw from.  And thus all of this will always be conjecture.  No matter who wins it doesn't prove a goddamn thing.

Finding the right balance of acceptable social mannerisms and a cool confidence is a tricky proposition.  That is why trying to create it artificially is such a hard task.  It's like trying to make yourself charismatic.  I had a friend who was a big confident asshole, and women hated him.  They also hated the shy reticent nice guy.  You have to be an alpha male to turn women on, not a psycho and not a loser.  If what you say about women is true, that women aren't attracted to assholes - then why are they getting so much more sex than shy-nice-guys?

Eris is relevant to this conversation, in my eyes, because she has reshaped my ideas and philosophy.  I now love to hate.  I will never trust again.  And I understand cruelty is the only true pleasure.

And sorry, I assumed you were female because you took this so personally. 
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 10:53:42 PM by Pig »

Offline Émile Armand

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Re: I call out Pig.
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2012, 10:47:38 PM »
Oh and the borderliner psychotic personality isn't really going to do you any favours either I guess.  :tickle:

I love when people online diagnose other people with mental disorders. :tickle: :autism:
I don't have a life so I like to come here and try my best trolling you all. I'm not that clever so I'm now banned. Again. Odeon wrote this after pwning my sorry arse. I'm now back at Spasticity, trying to make it look like my mission here was a success.

I cry a lot.