No not all women are attracted to power. But by far most are.
You are changing track here you referred to women as a collective.
Plus I think this again is incorrect .. post something to back that claim.
When courting the ladies you can be "nice," but you can't be weak. Assholes can get women even though they are horrible people because they have the most important quality: confidence.
I sincerely doubt that.
and infact I am going to start a poll to disprove this.
If some pud comes up and asks you to, ''please go back to his hotel and have consensual intercourse,'' the answer is pepper spray to the eyes.
But that would be the response to an asshole coming up to you and demanding sex too surely?
You are talking about men who are violent , aggressive and in-considerate.. I'm not seeing how women will fall at their feet?
But if Mr Macho struts in, gives a charismatic wink, and gives you a "special feeling" you will forget your inhibitions and go fuck him. That's what ladies are most attracted to. Confidence and power. This is not a new idea.
No it's a very old outdated and sexist idea.
Try asking women what they like everyone is an individual expecially when it comes to sexual preferences.
Danny Devito could go out and get 20 year olds to suck him off with ease. Because he has 'power.' People with money can get almost the same amount. And of course confidence is a must.
Again that may be true to some but you cannot apply that to all , many women find nervousness and men who are not confidant to be attractive to for example.
Women must be controlled, they have to know they are subservient to the man. That is the only way they can feel respect or be turned on. If women have the power they are disgusted by the man. He is supposed to protect her and guide her through life.
Outdated , idiotic and chauvanistic.
By your argument Domme's and Dominatrixes cannot possibly exist , which obviously they do.
I think you really need to talk to actual women not your fleshlight for once.
Young women, who don't question their instincts as much, tend to go for the 'bad boy' or popular guy. He is exciting, and you get to be a sidekick in his exciting life while you are with him.
I can list the women on one hand I know that would do that
I would aso need many more hands to list the women I know that wouldn't do that.
Women want the leaders, the alpha males. They scream for the Beatles or the Devil Wears Prada. Men like beautiful celebrities, but it is not that emotional/psychological investment.
Again not all , this is a generlisation you cannot prove.
But can be disproved by actually *talking* to women.
Women will only want a man if other women think he is desirable. They have a hard time seeing value in someone that nobody else wants.

Another generlisation , you are making swipes that have very little basis , just mindless assumptions.
Many famous men frequently point to the differences between their old normal lives and celebrity lives in terms of attracting women. Robert Crumb wrote a lot about that. Forrest Griffin explained in his book how women would suddenly approach him, having no idea who he was, if another man walked up to him and asked for an autograph beforehand. Adam Carolla was 30 before he got famous. Before that he had trouble getting any, but when he became rich and famous ladies were dropping from the sky onto his erect penis.
Well theres a simple answer for that , being famous attracts more attention, therefore more people are going to pay attention.
I don't get how this is related in any shape?
Yes, this is anecdotal evidence. But so is first hand experience - and that tends to be more biased. Unfortuneatly there is not a lot of hard science about this stuff, at least that I know of. So the topic will remain speculation until proper scientific studies are conducted. I just believe it because it is what I have observed in the world around me, as objectively and unromantic-ally as I can.
First hand experience isn't biased.
If you've never actually held down a conversation with a woman how can you make a fair judgement?
you can't.
Your view isn't objective , in fact it is very very biased and I am more than 100% sure it stems from your own difficulties with relationships and etc , I can understand your bitterness but you realise that unless you let go of these attitudes you will not ever actually meet someone for either a relationship or to have sex with right?
You are right about attitude in a way.
It is important , having the wrong one will REALLY put someone off you , the wrong attitude in this case however is the belief that ALL women only want one thing... oddly enough women are humans too and I can't imagine many of them being too impressed with you assuming all they want is a musclebound dick head.
Think about it , you're doing what you think is going to attract them.. behaving like a misogynistic arsehole.. is it working for you Pig?
Nope, didn't think so.