Ooohh, its a shiny new magnetic stirrer/300 watt hottplate, chinese make, Although its got an aluminium plate top, so I'll have to be pretty careful with that, because things like mercury salts if they touch aluminium, destroy the very thin oxide layer that passivates aluminium and normally immediately reforms in any scratches or cuts to a piece of aluminium, and will eat right through it like battery acid through tissue paper. That and caustic alkalis (NaOH, KOH etc) those will rip a new backside out of any aluminium they contact, hissing and spitting and giving off a fine mist-like dispersal of caustic as the solution, if strong, gets so hot when it reacts that it boils the water away and sprays fine, corrosive, irritating burning 'smoke' back at the user that really isn't nice to be around, and its nasty stuff if it gets into electrical equipment too.
They threw in a spare teflon coated stirbar and a spare fuse for the plug, plus an adapter so I can use the weird-ass chinese mains plug in the UK. Weird little fucker that is, its a three-pin plug, but it has really thin, flat blade-like pins, two at the bottom like in the UK, but they face outwards in a two fingered salute-shaped pattern with the top one being flat, making a triangular profile in the hollow at the center. The country adapter interface for the plug is the weirdest though, the thing doesn't look like the parts would even fit, but they do. Top bit looks like an arse and muff in profile, or a double-headed dog dick

And of course the instructions are in engrish thats about as readable as a primary school starter age kid's writing. If they were learning from a dyslexic teacher who learned from sign language in another country's native tongue and conveyed it to the teacher through an interpreter speaking both languages but neither as their native tongue.