Yes, planting bulbs in (late) fall is a sensible thing to do. The state of inertia of the said bulb then tends to be a good start for them to flourish in Spring later on. This goes for small trees and shrubs as well.
And I'm not really an otter of course.. homo sapiens² ego sum.. but I love the mustelidae family. Creatures like the ermine, the martens and the otter too of all animals are a tadski like me, I reckoned.
Kinda small, nocturnal, solitary, playful, can be witty, brave, blahiah.... Wondered (before/earlier) reading 'about the fox Reynard' (N.W. European medieval folklore saga) what creature would suit me.. and blah ja, thought mustelidae, liking them..
And no, I haven't planted any bulbs in the garden this year/end of last.. to answer Callaway. Did rearrange stuff/gave some shrubs a new place and I have planted some new bought herbs, like mint and thyme, in a corner. Um, to be honest, haven't done that much in the garden last year. We had a really wet Summer last year and.. I..