Good luck with the housing appt, Ren. I really hope you can get your own place soon. Then you can rock as much as you like and not have to share a bathroom!
Tomorrow is busy. Oldest is getting together with his friends in the morning. Then a service man is coming over in the afternoon to winterize the plumbing lines for the sprinklers followed by picking up the youngest after school and then taking the oldest to his psych appt after dinner. Somewhere in there I need to find time to clean my bedroom.
Thanks. I don't share the shower but my stepdad keeps using the toilet I use - I have no idea why, my parents have a perfectly good toilet in their bathroom. It drives me crazy.
Do you have a psych that works late?
Tomorrow I am going to autism group.
We do. His appointment is 7-8pm. We've found we like evening appts much better than daytime ones. We don't feel as rushed, the city is quieter because it's a weeknight. No one else in the waiting room at the office either. Makes both of us relaxed and not so overstimulated by a massive 15 storey office building in full swing.
We found we like grocery shopping at night too. Less people is good
Tomorrow I have to go buy a dress for a wedding I'm going to on the weekend, do more cleaning and get the oldest packed up for a weekend at his Dad's.