You mean getting the wire by raiding the transformers? or do you mean from a CRT display, the coils used to direct the electron beam?
Not so much for anything musical, but I'd love to find an old CRT monitor, and CAREFULLY perforate the glass envelope from the side, near the phosphors, to avoid any implosion damaging the cathode emitter, and after getting a suitable vacuum pump (it'd need a turbopump to evacuate the hacked end result, and bake it out under vacuum, same with a DIY beamline to attach it to, with a suitable thin target window to serve as an airlock for when I'd want to bombard various targets, so as to avoid having to repeatedly bake the beamline out and repeatedly add a getter to remove the last miniscule traces of atmospheric gas atoms via chemisorption, build some quadrupole or sextupole magnets for strong-focusing the beam and build myself an electron LINAC out of a TV.
Would be neat as hell, build a particle accelerator from an old ass CRT type TV or computer monitor and use it as an X-ray source to take my own X-ray photographs with dental film or something similar; spazzy as spazz gets obviously, but a DIY X-ray source could be really quite useful when building and testing things, testing glassware for faults perhaps, looking inside and through opaque sealed items I might be poking about with.
Hell, even use it to feed a cyclotron if I were to go all out on it and 'go full spazz, forget what the buggers say about NEVER going full spazz..'

Since hey, who WOULDN'T want their own particle accelerator, for generating X-rays by crashing the electron beam into a target of metal, making use of the Bremmstrahlung phenomenon for spewing X-rays. Shielded obviously everywhere else with lead-doped glass, which I could probably make a shield out of with enough broken screen material, to go over the focusing magnets, casting it in place.
A CRT tube basically IS a particle accelerator, firing an electron beam which is played rapidly back and forth over the rare earth element phosphors on the screen interior. Just needs hacking a fair bit in order to make it into something much more interesting and useful

Such as say, fucking about with undulators or wigglers to make it output synchrotron radiation, which could be used to drive a free-electron-laser: