Babies are so juicy and delicious looking. You can help but devour them.
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He's decided to go to Masters. It's a 1 hour drive away.
Crush boi should definitely stay crush boi only, our sleeping patterns are just way too different
(We ended up meeting at Bunnings only later in the morning. Too wet and windy to drive south)
Tomorrow I'm going to kick ass at work, then kick off a 6-day vacation!
See what crush boi is up to THIS saturday. He's going to Master's but he's taking one of his tenants with him to get paint etc as he's letting them repaint his house to colours they like. So there goes my potential special day to spend alone with him . We'll see I guess.Maybe going to another dance social, but we only had one at the same hall 3 weeks ago. Plus they do boring easy dances because the floor is full of old people who can't remember anything they learn.