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What are you gonna do tomorrow

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--- Quote from: renaeden on May 31, 2024, 09:01:50 PM ---It's a long weekend here.

I'm meant to go walking with an old friend but the weather might decide otherwise.

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Our walk is put ahead by a day. Hopefully we won't get rained on.

Work, if I'm feeling better. Stay in bed if not.

Replacing my fan, going to group later that evening.


--- Quote from: Genesis on June 12, 2024, 10:43:05 PM ---Replacing my fan, going to group later that evening.

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I had to replace my fan last summer as well. The noise the old one made was intolerable.

Tomorrow I'm going to Wonderful Wargames. A boardgame and Warhammer get together. Only I'm going to have to be there until 6pm which I'm not happy about. I don't want to drive home in the dark. Plus cat feeding and dinner will be late.

My daughters friends are coming over for a cook out.


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