Not tomorrow, but Monday, we are meeting with representatives from the city to have them present their offer for our property.
I'm scared we will be disappointed.
This sucks.

So far, none of this has happened. They canceled and will "call to reschdule" while our lives remain in limbo.
A little digging, I found that one of the MAIN BITCHES took a vacation to Cabo last week, istead of getting us out of limbo. I am a little pissed, but my NEW idea that grace wins over guile (as pissed as I am!!) I hope she had a great time and comes back ready to kick ass and get all this done.
Within my attempt at grace, I have found that SHE is the one responsible for everyone, that means "everyone" All sixteen family homes, four businesses and one church go through her for compensation for this inconvenience (I feel illegal action, but I grew up around Indians who have been treated similarly and NEVER compensated fully for the land of their fathers)