Help build a set for the local community theatre in the morning and then go do my volunteer shift at one of the local homeless shelters.
for helping out with things. I have made and loaned props out to a theater group around here not sure if I would have the patience to help them do things, I do some volunteer and some paid work for Habitat for Humanity but at my request they schedule me for days they don't have a lot of volunteers
Thanks! It's something I love to do and I have even been in a few plays. The local ReStore for HAbitat for Humanity in Newington NH has loaned out furniture for some of the plays. As a rule I am their all purpose general handyman. As for the Homeless Shelter, I've been doing it for 3 years now. Set construction can be a pain sometimes, especially when the Director is unclear about where they want walls and doors or windows, or even worse after it's built and they change their minds and everything has to be taken apart and reconstructed.
I am learning quite a bit about construction so it pays off!