I have nothing to defend. I don't mean that in so far as to suggest what I did was right. But rather that it is probably indefensible.
I could try to defend my actions, say I'm a teacher at heart and my style is...to put it mildly, blunt as a brick to the head. I could say that trans issues, at the stage you've quoted me was a very sensitive issue, and I wanted some support, when I didn't get it I felt I had to "educate" my way to it. I could say that I don't deal well with criticism, I take it personally. Instead of "Oh I made a mistake, I should fix that." I think "Oh I made a mistake I'm a horrible person", or "they think I'm a horrible person.". I get depressed or defensive. It's stupid. Something I'm trying to work on.
I could say a lot of things. But it doesn't really matter... What I did back then was arrogant. I won't deny that. Arrogant to assume my arguments, my 'lecturing', would change opinions. Though granted I now realise that I do not know how to change opinions, if it's even possible, and if it is, should I even try?
I'm trying to be a better person than I was, I know I've slipped back into old habits a couple of times...I can only apologise for both my past actions, and any other the slip ups I've made, or will make.
I won't ask for patience, that's unfair. It's probably unfair to ask for understanding too.
All I can do I apologise, and tell you I am trying to be better.