I guess I got trolled because they thought I was a troll and wanted to fuck with me. Pretty funny.
Makes me hate humanity soooooooo much more than I thought I could before.
Ah well, it's all quite funny from a different perspective. They get to giggle at a virgin professing their "love" for a girl over the internet. And I get to learn that the world hates me just as much as I thought it did.
Anyone else fallen in love with a troll? Makes ya feel pretty, pretty duuuuumb.
The good news is that someday we get to die. Hooray!
fell in love with a major troololololol. she dragged me along for months and than fucked me with over...
Ahh! It happened to you too? We aspies fall for anything!
I only got two weeks, so I guess I got off lucky.
it wasnt really like that. we were in a committed LDR. but her parents didnt like me and she made excuses not to see me. she than left me. it was kind of like subconscious trolling! F%$#ing trolls.
Yeh, I'm not sure if my troll was consciously deceiving me, or if she just enjoyed manipulating someone so inexperienced.
Either way she told me things I wanted to hear to get me really serious, then dropped me overnight. Sounds like trolling to me!
The thing is pragmatically I knew the situation didn't add up. I would write, "Why do you like me?" and she would respond with, "Oh you just don't see how great you are!"
So I mean, it was blatantly obvious she was just puffing up my ego to make me feel as good as possible so that I was completely under her command. She promised to love me forever, etc etc... Dumb stuff that any middle schooler should know is bullshit.
27 is probably a little late to enter the dating game.