Callouts. They are really a meet and greet and of no real consequence. When we like someone and want to discuss it with them we "call out" to them. "Hey dog breath your posting style sucks" or "Hey your opinion on religion sucks retard". We all respond very well to such claims and that is the "call out" section.
Now some of the personalities.
Serpent throne is the Sensei of the forum. Really clever guy. For all answers to the forums greater questions his insight is the one most sought and appreciated
Scrapheap: Very deep and charismatic lady. She is a romantic and dreams of one day being swept away by her knight in shining armour. Until then she posts her pearls of wisdom here. For which we are very blessed
Callaway: Very forgetful lady. A great way to embarrass her is to bring up an issue a day before and she will not have any idea she said it or thought it and lose her point of reference. You can easily confuse her.
Peter is the only member we have from Africa. He is by birth a Pymy and until recently had no inclination what the internet was but has come leaps and bounds in a very short time. He has wonderful stories to tell you of the open plains of Africa and his triumphs against wild beasts whilst protecting his homeland
Butterflies as you can tell from the face is a gentle little soul and easily startled. She is in need of a bit of protecting and I think that you could well be the person to do so. She suffers from Tourettes and this unfortunate condition has caused her to occasionally textually waffle on this board. She bravely fights off any efforts to help her because she cannot change herself and ought not for others.
Adam is allergic to animal hair and such issues are a sore point for Adam. I would stay well clear of any approach to dogs, cats, turtles, know pets entirely.
Odeon is the owner. He is not that bright and a soft touch here. In fact as a general exercise in lulz give it to him and watch him flounder. It is fun. All of us do this.
Zippo? He is as American as Apple pie. In fact I think he can trace his roots back to Johnny Appleseed. He wears a big 44 gallon hat and concealed six shooter. He is a bond collector and makes that Dog the bounty hunter look like a wimp. In fact he is a cross between John Wayne, Clint Eastwood and Lady Gaga. He is a hardarse.
Schleed is the nice guy of the forum and the most sensitive by far. Treat him with kid gloves because seeing him dissolve into a weeping messy is not only frightening but heart-breaking and so easily done.
Calavera is a highly religious person. He has over many years drifted from one secular religion to another as the truth of god seemed out of his grasp. Now he has found his best fit and living a strict secular life with a denomination of Christianity that is strict and demanding and he is the type of person for it. He will textually rip anyone to pieces for arguing in any topic that cross the boundaries of his Christian principles....even inadvertently. be careful.
Oh there is also CouldbeCousin who is a real tearaway. She doesn't post much but when she does watch out. Nasty piece of work and in league with HykeasWell. Be wary of those two. These two are really the Bonnie and Clyde of the forum. Do not misjudge the outward happy and gentle humour for that. They are the sharks of the forum and wait til they see blood in the water so to speak and they will rip you to pieces.
Queen Victoria is pure evil. There is little that escapes her notice here and she will take whatever you hold dear and use it against you in frightening ways. Evil I tell you.
Lutra is a passionate and highly emotional individual. You will often find Lutra in the thick of debates arguing strongly as to the deepest passions of his enormous heart. He is an activist by heart and nature.
Renaeden? Well like a venus fly trap this lady will happily wait for her next victim. Then she devours slowly but unlike the fly trap she will laugh all the while. She is a nasty piece of work.
Zegh is our resident health nut. He is a firm believer of thy body is a temple. He is a hard bastard. He is a marathon runner and a martial artist too. Has like 8 abs.
Anonymous is a ballroom champion. He honed his athletic ability in college as his school football teams mascot. He posts here between dance contests and has plenty of moves both on and off the dancefloor to share

Parts is a moderator. Parts gives the impression of a startled deer in the headlights with how he posts. The position of mod is a constant state of stress for him. I blame this in part to his real life job as an Abbott. He is very devout and in this shares his love of the church with Calavera. He prays for us nightly.
Bodaccea is our most prestigious member. She can trace her Italian heritage back to Julius Caesar. She is a gentle and studious historian working for the National Library of Rome and any conversations about Roman and its incursions against the filthy degenerates that would defy Rome is strongly welcomed.
PMSElle? PMSelle is a fervent believer of anarchy and the dissolution of the state. In between Satan worship and undermining the government and learning the necessary skills to demobile and destroy the government infrastructure, she works as a florist. Quiet a talented flower arranger.
Eris. More prude in matters sexual than even poor Theok. Very quickly flustered by mention of sexual proliferation or bodily fluid exchanges. Try bringing something kinky into the conversation to make her blush. You know you want to.
Professor Farnsworth? I think beneath his friendly exterior could well be a latent psychopath. In fact there is little I believe to stop him going postal. In time he will and all that will save us all from saying "I knew that guy. I always suspected he would" will be the fact that his username is not his real name. I think this is better in a way don't you?
Have you met Pyraxis?
You will like her. I wrote a special poem for her.
"She is fun and always in good cheer
She will happily rip you from arsehole to ear"
Do you like it?
MLA is an 18 year old German girl, and one of our latest members. She is very busy in providing good wholesome recipes that her grandmother used to make. We are getting a new idea of what culinary delights found in that country.
I guess you will get to know the rest.
Oh of course there is me. I am I admit VERY sensitive and easily hurt. l am the meet and greeter and will steer you well in this little forum to make your life as easy as possible.
Oh as far as calling out I would expect you may wish to find a reason to "callout" to Callaway, Odeon, MLA, and then Calavera in that approximate order.
Now best be on my way..........