All mine came through the gumline, one was laying on it's side.
The one on it's side was the first tooth I had pulled. It wasn't pleasant because (a) it was the first tooth EVER I had pulled, and (b) the amount of time he had to take to pull it, and (c) he was just a brutal SOB. He "should" have put me to sleep for that one, but he didn't.
The next two I made him put me to sleep for even though they were "easy pulls".
The last one I got another dentist for, and it was out before I even knew it.
I would say with it coming in sideways they should put you under. It's not bad, they run an iv usually, and the worst part is hooking that up (I have no veins

), and you start to get sleepy and then you are out, you feel nothing, they could prop you up and take disturbing videos of you to post on youtube and you would be clueless

..... once you start to come around they normally assist you (like a drunk) into a recovery room of sorts where you can lay down, and when you feel less whoozy you are free to leave and have someone drive you home, you stay in your street clothes normally (wear something comfy, so that you can flop in bed when you get back home), no gown.
You'll have some pain for a couple of days, maybe minor swelling or bruising (I did with Mr. Wonderful pulling the first one, none with the other 3) the first day is usually the worst.