Author Topic: salvia is the scariest thing i ever did and demi moore agrees  (Read 1055 times)

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salvia is the scariest thing i ever did and demi moore agrees
« on: January 28, 2012, 07:28:07 PM »
So, i heard some people talking today and apparently Demi Moore smoked some salvia and freaked out and got sent to the hospital. I don't really know what happened. And I don't really care, either, but it just made me think of my own experience with it.

Salvia is a LEGAL herb you can buy in certain stores or over the internet. Shamans in Mexico use it to communicate with the spirit world. You smoke it, and then you disappear.

I have done almost every drug known to man. Cocaine, heroin, LSD, Extacy, you name it. And I never had a scarier experience than with salvia

I hit it like 4 - 5 times. I wasnt supposed to hit it that many times. So I really did a lot of it. At first it was hilarious. the first 30 seconds were like a really powerful LSD trip. I laughed and laughed.

then BOOM.

I was just gone. I was no longer in my body. I did not feel like I was a part of the universe anymore. It was complete disassociation. I do not know how to explain disassociation to someone who has never experienced it. All I can say is it did not matter if I was sitting there in my house, I didn't exist anymore. And It was scary as FUCK.

I had massive visual hallucinations. Strange creatures, bright colors that seemed to "smear". Then the whole bottom half of my vision just turned into smeared color bars. Yeah you have hallucinations with LSD but not like this. Nothing is like this. Nothing.

So I just kept saying over and over "I'm not real, I'm not real, I'm not real" and I kept falling off the couch. I kinda wanted to go to the hospital, but i knew it would be over soon. So I just closed my eyes and waited. In about 10 minutes it was completely over, and I felt real again.

So, I do not recommend anyone ever do salvia.

I'm not really sure what happened to Demi Moore, but apparently she smoked some salvia and went into convulsions and a sort of trance, and was taken away in an ambulance.

Scary shit.   :thumbdn:

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Re: salvia is the scariest thing i ever did and demi moore agrees
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2012, 08:42:53 PM »
Salvia divinorum.

Potent stuff it seems.

Not to be confused with Salvia officinalis (garden sage) & Salvia elegans (pineapple sage), which I had huge plants of in my garden.

Weird how different varients can be so different.


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Re: salvia is the scariest thing i ever did and demi moore agrees
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2012, 09:21:44 PM »
Never tried it. I probably would if I was given a chance though.

I would be carefull not to go overboard though.


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Re: salvia is the scariest thing i ever did and demi moore agrees
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2012, 09:55:51 PM »
just promise me you will be careful butterflies.

I think the reason my experience might have been so powerful is because i did at least 3 times as much as i was supposed to do

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Re: salvia is the scariest thing i ever did and demi moore agrees
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2012, 10:28:15 PM »
Drugs is scary stuff.

I can't help but be curious, but there are too many terrifying anecdotes to make a quick high worth so much risk, especially if you have important long term goals, or something to live for at all.

One time in school they asked us to write an essay about a time we were offered drugs, and what tactics we used to turn them down.  I have never been offered (illegal) drugs, so I explained that it was probably because I didn't socialize.  To my surprise, the teacher was very annoyed with my essay.

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Re: salvia is the scariest thing i ever did and demi moore agrees
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2012, 02:19:24 AM »
I used to grow it, about 7 years ago, before losing the plants to infestations of whitefly.  It's pretty intense stuff, and not exactly recreational, but it's also fairly harmless and short-lived.
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Re: salvia is the scariest thing i ever did and demi moore agrees
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2012, 05:41:33 AM »
I have tried LSD a number of times and it wasn't scary. I could just see patterns in everything.

Scariest thing was dimethyltryptamine which a cousin of a friend got me to smoke. Omg, that was like leaving my body for a world of strobe lights. Lasted about 15 minutes but during all that time I had virtually no control. I kept getting up and then falling down and then I just rolled around on the grass. I couldn't even speak. Everything sounded weird too, all distorted. Never again, heh.

Salvia sounds right up there with the scariest stuff to do as well.
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Re: salvia is the scariest thing i ever did and demi moore agrees
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2012, 03:24:15 PM »
^^ yeah lsd wasnt scary to me at all either. i also just saw patterns, and things seemed to breathe and hum. nothing just "appeared" out of the blue like it did with salvia. I also felt like i was not in control of myself on the salvia. I could not sit properly, and my balance was fucked. there would be no way in hell i could have tried to act normal

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Re: salvia is the scariest thing i ever did and demi moore agrees
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2012, 03:35:23 PM »
Tried it once, fell off the stairs and ruined/totalled my red elec. guitar in the process. No kid ya. Bizarre and dangerous stuff salvia is. Best to stay away from it.
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Re: salvia is the scariest thing i ever did and demi moore agrees
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2012, 03:40:18 PM »
the scariest part was feeling like i was no longer a part of reality. i just wanted to come back to earth so bad, i almost cried

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Re: salvia is the scariest thing i ever did and demi moore agrees
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2012, 04:16:37 PM »
just promise me you will be careful butterflies.

I think the reason my experience might have been so powerful is because i did at least 3 times as much as i was supposed to do

I'm always very carefull with drugs. I'm way too interested in my health to do anything stupid. I always stay well within moderation.

I hit the bong a few times a year, and I'll take a line or two of cocaine if someone offers it to me, but apart from that, I would never even touch tobacco.

If I wasn't so health-concious, I reckon I could turn into a druggie though.

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Re: salvia is the scariest thing i ever did and demi moore agrees
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2012, 04:28:22 PM »
^ Good for you.. to stay health-concious. A healthy basis mode and sometimes 'cross the line a little' is okay in my opinion. It's what I do basically (although I still smoke tobacco). Compensation is factor here too.

@ Eris, or.. whom ever's reading..

I felt.. dunno, it was years ago.. but it was strange indeed and ja, I was totally unbalanced on my feet. That's what cause the fall.

Didn't feel scared thought. Think I chuckled/laughed a bit before the earlier mentioned happened.

Read that Americans use the herb quite a lot when preparing dishes (here way less so) but it made me think again about the double standardness of the war on drugs before.

This herb/drug/salvia is a total mind fucker and yet it's in every supermarket for sale. To be purchased in dry form for under a buck most likely and yet marijuana is considered the devil in person and could send someone, having small amounts with them/being caught, to jail for...?

Well, same government schizoidism/general ignorance here nowadays really.

Full on carnival feasting here at present and folks drink themselves senseless (and all the serious serious shite that causes).. but ja, there nothing wrong with that of course. /sarc.

(um, surry.. )
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Re: salvia is the scariest thing i ever did and demi moore agrees
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2012, 04:42:18 PM »
Lute, the type grown in the garden and used in kitchens is not the hallucinogen kind:

Many species are used as herbs, as ornamental plants (usually for flower interest), and sometimes for their ornamental and aromatic foliage. A selection of some well known species is below.

Salvia apiana is the white sage used in smudge sticks in many U.S. Native American traditions.[13]
Salvia divinorum, or diviner's sage, is sometimes cultivated for psychedelic drug effects; the legality of its use is under review in some US states.[14]
Salvia elegans, the pineapple sage, is widely grown as an ornamental shrub or sub-shrub, with pineapple scented leaves.
Salvia fruticosa, called Greek sage or just sage is commonly grown and harvested as an alternative to common sage.
Salvia hispanica, commonly known as chia, produces edible seeds which are high in protein and in the omega-3 fatty acid, α-linolenic acid (ALA).
Salvia leucantha, Mexican bush sage or woolly sage, is grown as an ornamental in warm climates for its drooping flower heads, with white flowers emerging from furry blue or purple bracts.
Salvia microphylla from Mexico, sometimes called baby sage, is a small shrub grown extensively for its red (sometimes pink or white) flowers, and its fruit scented leaves.
Salvia miltiorrhiza, Chinese, Red sage, Danshen medicinal herb.
Salvia nemorosa, Woodland sage, ornamental
Salvia officinalis, or common sage is used widely in cooking, as an ornamental and landscape plant, and in herbal medicine.
Salvia sclarea, clary or clary sage, is grown as an ornamental and to some extent for perfume oils.
Salvia splendens or scarlet sage is a popular ornamental bedding or pot plant.[15]
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Re: salvia is the scariest thing i ever did and demi moore agrees
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2012, 05:07:56 PM »

But it does, QV. I mean, the same 'herb/salvia officinalis' you could use on your potato, pork meat, etc., dish, US style, will rock your world smoking it. Um, like implicated.. I don't advocate it (at all²) but that one buck dried form kitchen herb..

Well.. shite it is, I say..
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Re: salvia is the scariest thing i ever did and demi moore agrees
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2012, 05:30:18 PM »
I wonder if that's why Lady Weeble spends so much time in the kitchen?  I thought it might be that she was "cooking" with the cook.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

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