I know exactly why there are these anti-gun people around.
Please support your claim.
It's because there's always a few psychopaths who shoots some people every day in this country and they get so upset by this that they start demanding gun control and/or anti-gun laws to be enacted.
You make claim. You not support claim. Therefore your claim is not valid. You caveman. So? Shit happens. Get the fuck over it, you wussy, deluded, spineless, fucking cunts!
Yelling at people and calling them names is an inefficient way to have a discussion about weapons and guns. Either we all have guns or we all have no guns. No way around that, ever.
Are you simple? And if guns were illegal for citizens, the cops and criminals will still be carrying them around by the shitload and will both be waving them around to force the unarmed citizens do their bidding.
American, ahhh, no wonder. Cannot even make a valid argument.
I did support my claim. I said that the reason for the anti-gun mentality is because certain people believe that banning guns would actually decrease the number of shooting related injuries and fatalities, which is very unlikely considering the nature of anti-gun laws. Cops, soldiers, and robbers would still have guns. Citizens would not.
In order for an anti-gun solution to truly work, guns would have to be entirely eliminated. All guns must be destroyed. Because as long as there is a gun for a psycho to get the hold of, shootings will continue to happen no matter what. Yes, it is THAT simple. It is THAT black and white.
Steps to reduce the number of shootings without interfering with the freedom of the people to own firearms are okay.
Every person (apart from criminals, of course) should have access to a firearm, so that when they see you, they can shoot you!