I smell sample bias.
1. Mean age: 20.1 years. Here's your first damn clue. This stupid fucking generation has been by and large ruined by parents who think that you're supposed to tell kids they're unique, special, amazing, and give them a gold star every time they shit. It's action-packed with narcissists who can't handle real life because they've never had any remote degree of connection to it. (except, of course, in some cases- especially the more recent spawn of well-meaning but still-destructive parents- the ones who've learned to be constantly constantly constantly doing shit because they have helicopter soccer moms who involve them in fucking
every possible extracurricular activity under the sun)*
1.2 I'll add here this is a theory that is particularly likely to be possible because we're looking at college students (i.e. people who have been able to reach a higher level of education, which tends to correlate with SES). These fine young folks are more likely to have had parents with the money and inclination to do the shit mentioned above (helicopter parenting costs money yo)
1.3 Those of us who are past our early teens and late twenties: let's take a second and think back to what people in their late teens and early twenties are like. Yeah, late twenties are when it stops being normal to have a slight personality disorder or two from sheer immaturity and lack of life experience.
2. Let's extend this- and this is, mind, just ONE hypothesis. Maybe you're looking at a sample that started off biased- as in, we've got some guys who for whatever reason started off a wee bit more fucked up than your average bear. Maybe it's health reasons, maybe a broken family, maybe just a genetic predisposition towards some kind of mental problem or other (and it's a safe guess that 1. these are likely largely psych students and therefore 2. most of them are, to some degree, fucking
batshit). Whatever the reason- this may actually be (in a high enough percentage to skew results) a sample that got extra-coddled because they seemed extra-fragile.
3. Again, if these are psych majors, there's one more bias- boys are in RETARDEDLY disproportionately high demand in psych. They're like chicks in tech schools. If they want to, they can have harems, just on the sheer virtue of having (amoungst the people they are most often around) relatively rare gentalia.
General sample problems, too.
1. 79 females, 27 males- Excuse me, boys, but you have a disappointingly small n. I'm intrigued and think it might be fun to play with what you're presented me, but I can't solidly commit to this little.
2. Undergrad students- OK, fine, but what major? How *exactly* were they recruited? Was this a survey handed out in classrooms, or did they have to show for a study? If they showed for the study, they already biased the sample by being the kind of person who'd show for the study.
Actual study itself:
http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0030858*Yeah, my generation kind of pisses me off.