Oh fuck Les. It looks like you wrote that with me in mind.
Adam is right. You do seem a bit obsessed with me. I must have really got under your skin
Had been talking about this to someone in a remember when way the other day and then thought, "Oh wow Butterlies whole "change the site it has lost its way" was kind of similar to what i was doing there" then I thought...wonder what else is similar?
That is where this came from. I find it interesting. Must you really have got under my skin? No, but if you thought you were a bigger deal than you were, you may think so. (I don't know what you think of course, you are just as likely to be making another ridiculous claim).
Oh just out of interest. With your the members have to change in order to change the site type of approach you were raising, is butterflies the intensitysquared member prepared to change herself to change the site. I mean you seem to favour the "I can not change anything about me or adapt and you are 'stuck" with me as i am" kind of attitude. Does that mean that you are saying others apart from you can change the site and that you will not? (You have said this kind of thing and more than happy to back this claim IF you want )
Just interested?
Not your most coherant effort, but at least you kept it short, so I'll try and answer your main question.
I don't really want the site to change, as such. I want the site to go back to how it used to be.
We all have aspects of our personalities which are unlikely to change. Some of us are honest enough to admit this. There are parts of my personality that I would love to change. TBH the aspects of my personality that I would like to change are not the aspects of my personality that you are likely to have a problem with.
Of course I'm not prepared to "change myself to change a website." Unfortunately, no website is important enough for me to change who I am for.
If you were trying to ask me, "am I prepared to change my behaviour on this website, to help this website?" Then that would depend on certain issues, such as. What am I being asked to change? Who is asking me to change? And why are they asking me to change?
If someone I respected, PMd me, explaining that they felt my behaviour was wrong, and asking me to try and change, then I would give serious consideration to their request.
If someone like you expresses unhappiness at my behaviour, then I am unlikely to care. I am even less likely to care, when the only person really criticizing me, is a person that is cleary holding a grudge over something that happened months ago.