Arena for the Competitive > Main Event Callouts

PeterMacKenzie vs. Bland

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Bland's an NT, she wont have a fair fight, shed rather play the game like most NT's.

You don't mean... the NT game!? :o


--- Quote from: kevv729 on April 13, 2006, 10:22:12 AM ---There is no tags in the "Politics and Religion" forum has not "Please no fist fights" under it.

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--- Quote from: Eamonn on April 13, 2006, 12:04:29 PM ---Bland's an NT, she wont have a fair fight, shed rather play the game like most NT's.

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--- Quote from: Bland ---PeterM, Intensity is downright uncivilized!  :shameonyou:  I don't think that the actual rules of debate are upheld over there on the dark side.  :twisted: :lol: :lol:  :lol:
But I do appreciate the offer. You're too kind.  :wink:
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--- Quote from: ascan on April 13, 2006, 12:54:29 PM ---This is really the icing on the cake. I always thought that woman wrote the most complete load of bollocks I've seen in my entire life; but to see she's into that fucking creationist crap proves she really hasn't any capacity for rational thought... well, almost.  ;)

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Now now; let's not dismiss her before the debate is up.  After all; she might beat me!   :D

Reposted from

--- Quote from: keven ---
--- Quote from: PeterMacKenzie ---
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jungle_girl created the forums I never read to closely enough to see it.

We could Peter MacKenzie could create a separate forum for You and Bland to post Your competing ideals and only have jungle_girl and I be the only others ones to be allowed to Moderate it then.
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--- Quote from: PeterMacKenzie ---
--- Quote from: keven ---
We could Peter MacKenzie could create a separate forum for You and Bland to post Your competing ideals and only have jungle_girl and I be the only others ones to be allowed to Moderate it then.
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A debating forum would a nice addition, and such an arrangement would be acceptable to me, if somewhat of a compromise.  We've still to hear definitively from Bland on the matter though.   The only reply I've had so far has been:

--- Quote from: Bland ---PeterM, Intensity is downright uncivilized!  :shameonyou:  I don't think that the actual rules of debate are upheld over there on the dark side.  :twisted: :lol: :lol:  :lol:
But I do appreciate the offer. You're too kind.  :wink:
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She doesn't sound very serious there.
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