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We are a site for adults, 18 years or older.
if you offend easily, chances are we aren't for you. We allow freedom of speech here, and its the voices that are audible are the only ones that count. sorry if we cannot consider your position if you don't speak up, but afterall, we cannot read minds.
the posts submitted do not represent the ideas of the board, the administrators, elected officials, world council or the web host service. they are believed to be the truthful opinions of the person who submitted the post. so therefore the only person responsible are the ones who posted whatever you deem innapropriate.
be warned, we are a site which promotes freedom of speech and expression. so we will be lax on our rules. it is up to the community to teach each other. if for instance, someone states something that is obviously testing the right to free speech, we will allow it. however, we expect the community to be on that like flies to fresh dogshit. holding the idiots beliefs under a microscope and making them accountable for their words.
freedom of speech stands above the freedom of the individual, for the purpose of this forum. if the individual is offended, it is their duty to stand up for their rights as well and utiliziung freedom of speech to stand and be heard.
Intensity? Management
p.s. learn to expect drama to happen here.
--- Quote from: McJagger on April 02, 2006, 01:29:33 AM --- so we will be lax on our rules.?
--- End quote ---
The old forums didn't seem to be lax on rules-
As a matter of fact, the people running it seemed to make up and enforce their own.
That avatar looks just like how i imagine you to look in real life, Yupa.
--- Quote from: eamonn on April 02, 2006, 05:29:34 PM ---That avatar looks just like how i imagine you to look in real life, Yupa.
--- End quote ---
No, that's not me, that's Ryuk from Death Note.
Needless to say, I'm WAY more handsome than he is.
Welcome to intensity mark two, Yupa, i hope you find us more accomodating this time around. If you stick closely to me, i should be able to steer you away from the trolls, but no guarantees, there are a lot of people with chips bigger than their shoulders here.
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