My Dad has his first pair of bifocals since half a year I think. They are progressive ones, think that is almost standard here now. Can't recall seeing people with lined ones for years.
He's 80, and not keen on changes. It did take him a few months to adjust. He hated how the lines would all appear curved. But, after those months, he has no problems with them at all. And, he is wearing his glasses all the time.
That's a bit different from a man having dozens of reading glasses all over the house, in different strengths, depending on what he was doing. He never was out of reach of a reading glass.
I'm pondering on bifocals too. Starting my collection of reading glasses, but I hate to have to change in having glasses on or not. And, age is affecting the distance now too. Till five years ago the only blurry sight I knew was migraine, something in my eye, or fog induced.
I hate not seeing all the way I used to. It dizzies me, not seeing sharp. And the darker season makes it all harder.